I recently bought an amber bone Case stockman with the CV blades.I have a bone handled 6318 I bought 25 years ago that lived in my pocket until 1999,then one day it was not there when I reached for it.I felt as if part of me was gone.Luckily a few months later my girlfriend found it in the couch cushions.I cleaned it up real good and put RIG on the blades and stored it.I have been mostly using either a 8OT or a buck 307.When i saw the new case I bought it and when I got it home noticed it did not "feel" right.I took out the old one and it is hard to believe they came from the same company.The new one is a lot thicker,it seems that instead of trying to fit the parts Case decided to make all the brass liners twice as thick and then just grind it all smooth.Not a square edge on this thing,not even where the back of the blade meets the backspring when opened.I know I should have looked at the thing before I bought it but was in Smoky mnt Knife works on a lunch break and was in a hurry.I was so bummed out that when a buddy asked if I would sell it to him I did,for a dime!Why do the bean counters ruin everything?And is there a special place reserved in Hades for the bastids?