Case Redhead

Nov 6, 2001
A coworker brought this in today and I wanted to find out if anybody could tell me anything about it.

What I know:
It is a CaseXX USA Stockman
Dark green scales
"Redhead" on main blade
Redhead logo shield
Model BK6318 SS
Six dots

I have looked online and did nor find anything. If anybody could tell me how old it is, how much it is worth, or anything else I would appreciate it.

Please let me know if you cannot get this link to work.


BTW, I also posted this over in the Levine forum.
I have a case redhead stockman with dark grey scales. I bought it about 6 years ago or so. If I remember correctly redhead is an outfitter company (much like bass pro, or cabelas, but mainly clothing) that had case make them knives for a while. As far as worth I do not have any references in front of me right now. I believe I paid about $29.00 or so for mine 6 years ago. I would post this on Levines forum to get a better answer.

hope this helps!!!
I work for BPS and RedHead is actually a Bass Pro Shops brand. I don't remember the knife, but it was probably a promotional knife sold a while ago. I'd be interested in hearing what you find out about it.