case tony bose ?

Jul 14, 2003
I like this slimline trapper knife a lot. the problem if I buy it will be that I will want to carry and use it every day. so, I am wondering if that is just a really stupid thing to do? I mean, should I just find a lower priced custom if I want to use it every day?

If did want a handmade slipjoint trapper or singleblade, who is a good and affordable maker? for me, anything over 325 is too much. I found that PJ Tomes' makes some great looking working knives. But I can't seem to find one for sale. Anyone else out there that ya'll might know about? tks
My philosophy is to Buy once, cry once.

Buy a really nice handmade Slip Joint. For example the above-mentioned maker, Tony Bose. Granted the Case/Bose are great knives, but if you want to really have something in your pocket .. Get the real thing.

These are Wharncliffe trappers made by Tony Bose ... very similar to the ones Case patterned their knife after.


It’s a world-class knife, something that you could possibly have and carry for the rest of your life (if treat it with respect). If your longing for a great knife why not go with the best you can buy.... it’s only a few more $$$.
True North Knives and KnifeArt both have some of PJ's slip joints.
Originally posted by pineywoods
I found that PJ Tomes' makes some great looking working knives. But I can't seem to find one for sale.

I have a folder on order with PJ now, I have five of his fixed blades and I need one of his folders. You should e-mail him and see if he has anything available.

Tell him Phil from Brooklyn sent you.

JpN, if those Bose knives are yours, they are beauties.
Phill if I tell him that will he charge double? :)
I was unaware that PJ made working class folders, anyone have a price range on them?
I saw some awesome single blade lockbacks P.J. made at the Blade show. If I am not mistaken the were around $225-$250 in Bone
Originally posted by db
Phill if I tell him that will he charge double? :)

Well of course Bill, somebody has to pay my Finder's Fee. :D

Actually PJ's folders start at around $200, and his fixed blades at around $50. Not too many ABS MS knives you can get in that range.
I think I know where my next folder is coming from, thanks guys. Phill Look for that finders check soon. :)
well, I ended up ordering a single blade clippoint trapper from PJ Tomes. I think anyone who checks out his work and talks to him would do the same. great guy to talk to.

maybe a tony bose will be next. those pics above are incredible. wow. now though, I need a fine using knife for everything. thanks for the replies.
Good article in Blade magazine (Sept. ‘03)”Knives the Makers Carry”, take a look a what Joe Pardue carries, I don’t think there’s a greater compliment that you can pay to another maker. I know I saw this knife at the NY show that Joe mentions, but I didn’t fall in love with it until I saw it again at Blade Show 2001. PJ was very proud of this knife and what fascinated me was the way that other makers studied it. I’m pretty sure that Joe’s father Mel Pardue also has one of these knives.
BTW I have one just like it on order with PJ right now.


Joe Pardue, also happens to be one heck of a knife maker, no surprise there.
Take a look at his web site.
Hey John, throw that 5 blade in my pocket! :D How do you pile all those river rocks on your scanner anyway?
Wow... that Bose 5 blade stockman is really awesome.

Every one of the blades has a "swedge" grind on top... great touch, really makes the knife take on a aura of quality and class, attention to detail.

I'm not a picked/jigged bone fan, but that is pretty stuff. Angles bolsters... clean, angled plunges, whew. Nice.

Some of the blades on a 3 or 5 blade stockman have to be swedged and krinked(bent) to make it work. If not the blades touch in the closed position. Here is a pic of a Five Blade Sowbelly Stockman in the closed position, there is barely enough room between the blades for a business card to pass.
Someday, I'm gonna win the lottery and THEN I will be carrying one of those Bose 5 bladers in my pocket.
Those are some OUT OF THIS WORLD pictures of some amazing knives! Paul
Hey JpN, now that you're done taking pictures, can you send all my knives back? :p ;) :p ;) :D