Case Wharncliff Copperlock with CV Blade


Gold Member
Oct 15, 1998
Anybody have one of these?
I'd like to buy one as a user.
However, my last experience with Case was less than satisfying.
Quality was not what I expected!
How are these yellow handled ones?
Is the lock secure and easy to engage/disengage?
Blade wobble?
Does the blade center in the handle?
This really looks like a very practical and useful design if the quality is there.
The steel is good (can stain though), the quality though will be the same as the rest though!!
Quality, such as blade wobble and side to side play can vary a lot with Case knives. Also, blade grinds are hit or miss too. The steel(Chrome Vanadium) is good stuff with good heat treat. Will stain in a heart beat though(that's good if you like a patina, which I do).

My advice is to go to a store that carries Case knives; then you can hand pick one from their inventory.
I have one & like it. Mine locks up tight & the blade does not wobble. The lock is hard to disengage, but i don't carry mine often enough to have it loosened up. I would also suggest to go & hand pick one.