Case Yellow Trapper CV Steel

Mar 28, 2001
I just picked up a Case yellow large Trapper in CV steel off ebay a few days ago, and after working the edges down where I wanted them, I am pretty happy with it. It has excellent action, and very strong backsprings.

I have been carrying it and using it, and it is starting to develop some patina.

I don't have much in it, so it is going to be seeing a lot of use as a semi-beater pocketknife, although I am not really hard on any knife...I love them too much to be cruel to them.:)

For basic utility, it is hard to improve on proven, traditional designs and simple carbon steel.
Mine will probably see a lot of action skinning squirrels and coon. I carry it coon hunting and some for regular edc rotation.
I've carried one for about a year and it quickly became one of my favorite knives. Has a nice patina and takes and keeps an edge very well. If any one wants to try a Case knife this one would be a good one to start with.

A couple of months ago, I bought a Copperlock with CV blade and yellow Delrin handles. This knife(after a little work), is super scary sharp and starting to get a nice blueish patina. Near perfect grinds and excellent walk and talk too. The bonus was the price; $25.