Cat Pee

Nov 27, 1999
I was looking for a formula to get a certain shade of green patina on copper. I ran across this and thought if any one group of people would enjoy it, we would.

A year or so ago this verdigris/patina question came up on the knife-list.General consensus was that the the "non plus ultra" pee!!

Of course the thread then these things do!!..into ways and means
to get kitty to pee in a bottle!

However, accepted practice is to bury the object in the kitty litter tray for a
week or so!!

Rather you than me!

I guess I will never see that patina on anything I make unless I send it out. I HATE CATS!

How about we bury the cat in the litter box......

also try suspending the copper over amonia fumes in a canister (all sealed up). I think that works too but I cant remember. I bought some copper patina a LONG time ago but have since lost it and the source ;)
The cat pee patina was one I learned in college. You can get very simmilar results with ammonia, though. I've also heard of people who don't have cats doing the honors themself. While we're on the subject, I did a patina on copper once by walking around for a couple days with the piece in my shoe. After the couple days I just left it wrapped up in my dirty ass sock and it turned out looking exactly like wood.

- Chris
Now I know what to do for the fittings on your KITH Mark! :D :p
Mace said:
Now I know what to do for the fittings on your KITH Mark! :D :p
Mace if you need help count me in for the urine. With all the hot food I eat it should give it a great patina. :D :D
Does the cat have to pee in a north/south orientation?

blgoode said:
also try suspending the copper over amonia fumes in a canister (all sealed up). I think that works too but I cant remember. I bought some copper patina a LONG time ago but have since lost it and the source ;)

I saw that in a woodworking magazine. They also applied a small amout of salt to the copper. The patina appeared to be green with a tinge of blue.
Sando said:
Does the cat have to pee in a north/south orientation?


My guess is no. Ever try making a cat do anything? If it worked at all there was no orientation involved.

Personally I think I'd opt for one of the commercial products! Even it it is just powdered cat pee. This reminds me too much of frontier women using urine to lighten their hair - how'd they ever get children? Oh, I know, some men (I'm not thinking of IG or anyone else in particular) don't much care about what TV commercials have taught us to think of as normal hygene, but wow! Wouldn't the sun have been good enough?
ddavelarsen said:

Oh, I know, some men (I'm not thinking of IG or anyone else in particular) don't much care about what TV commercials have taught us to think of as normal hygiene, but wow! Wouldn't the sun have been good enough?
OK!!! What are you trying to tell me??????? :confused: :eek: :D
PS: It's Higgy that keeps p'ing on everyone's leg and tells them it is raining. ;) :D
a few years ago i had a cat pee on a boxed hk usp pistol and it sat in a puddle of pee in it's molded case for about 2 weeks.

i called up hk to tell them that their special h.e. finish stood up to that harsh environment.

they told me to use the the usp on the cat
I just hope y'all weren't makeing one of those Scagel style coffe cups. :confused: :barf: :barf:
Greg, LMAO.
