Censorship and BladeForums........

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Oct 2, 1998
We have received emails which ask as to our policy concerning censorship and the locking of threads or even worse, banning a member. There are apparently problems on Rec.Knives and other forums which are creating concern that we may follow suit. Not a chance.

Too many rules creates too many problems, no rules creates chaos, unfair rules creates rebellion. Finding the balance is a real hard trick and I think we have found the balance which appeals to most. There is no way we can satisfy everyone but as long as we are fair to everyone, and not demeaning to anyone, we can accomplish most anything with this forum.

I made this forum.
It is mine by ownership simply because I pay all the bills. It is however your forum and like all good forums there are rules, written and unwritten. The written rules are clear and the unwritten rules are the obvious. Be nice and enjoy this place as if it was yours because it is.

My main rule is simply no personal attacks and to date I have not deleted or censored one thread. I love a good constructive argument as long as it stays civil. Like I have said before I learn more from those who disagree with me than from those who just say "me too". So although we give you plenty of freedom you all have chosen to police yourselves and you are doing a great job. You make Spark's and My job, as well as that of the moderators, a lot easier and for that I thank you.

Amazing how if you give people a little freedom and make it very clear what the rules are they simply fall right in line. We talk knives here and we stay on topic. We sometimes cut up a bit, but that is because you are among friends and like being at a bar or social gathering you tend to kid those who you come to know.

Does this mean we are less professional?
Does this mean we should change our policy and force people to stay 100% on topic and no joking around?

Not as long as I own this site. I want you to learn and have fun here. You can do both, and we have proven that time and time again. Enjoy this site as it is actually yours and not mine. You make of it what you will and over time we can make this the best place to be when it comes to knives. I think it already is, but that is not for me to say. So have fun, but just not at the expense of others.

I made many promises to you all when I made this site and I plan on keeping them all. The main promise was to make a site with an atmosphere in which we can all enjoy each other and learn from the masters. We have attracted the attention of many including industry giants such as Sal Glessor of Spyderco and Phil Gibbs of Camillus. And with regulars like Anthony Lombardo, Will Fennell, James K. Mattis, Dexter Ewing, Joe Talmadge, Darrel Ralph, Kit Carson and so many others we have what it takes to make a great site even better. If I forgot a name forgive me (White Russian kicking in

Over the next few months even more will be done to make this site better. And by the end of the year we should be a full fledged on-line magazine. We receive more traffic now than nearly all other sites of this type combined. This is great but we are only as good as our content. So if you know of anything we can do to make this a even better place feel free to let us know.

Only the members can ruin a good thing and since we have no problems here you may be wandering why I am making this post. Well think of it as a long winded thank you.

My motto is simple and I have used it for years.
Do IT, Do it Right, Do it RIGHT NOW!

Have fun and enjoy!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Congratulations Mike, I think you are doing an excellent job.

I think you have set down some good, common sense basic rules and I think it is the responsibility of ALL OF US -- not just the aministrators and moderators -- to keep the spirit of those rules alive.

If we all take pains to show our respect for this forum -- and its members, even if we disagree occasionally -- I think BladeForum will continue to be a leader.

I just hope we all continue to stay focused on blade topics, information and education rather than getting too far afield into philosophy and consitutionality.

In addition to what Mike said, I want to add that I will not allow the mistakes of the past to occur on this site. Everyone here is enjoying the benefits of the efforts of the BladeForums.com group, and this site is bigger than any one person now. I'll continue to do everything in my power to make sure that this site is at it's best so that you are better served.

Without your help, BladeForums.com wouldn't have grown so fast and would have never attained the quality that we know and expect each day.

Thank you guys for being a part of it, and for helping us help you.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here
Mike, Spark, et al,

This knife forum is by far the best one.


The on-line magazine sounds great, as does the on-line retail site.

Good luck in your endeavors.

BLADEFORUMS.COM is to be congratulated for its approach which has been rewarded by the behavior of we forumites.

I've tried to stay out of the frays that occur on other venues although I did engage Spark about his responses to attacks on him long ago. I was concerned about his sinking into that morass. I still visit the other guys periodically because of a few forums like Bill Martino's and Chris and Anne Reeve, but I have been distressed by what is going on there now, again. I will undoubtedly get flamed from that area but such is a small price to pay for my public outcry. When Ty, a moderator elsewhere, dropped Brian W. E.'s (from Australia) access because he not only questioned their justification for censorship but was found to have expressed opinions elsewhere lauding other venues as better, I'd say they've crossed the line of demarkation that will undoubtedly result in their being reduced to a simple nitch forum unless immediately corrected. If contributors must kneel at the altar of those representing the folks who pay for the site, a free exchange of ideas simply cannot exist. This disturbs and saddens me. Oppressiveness and cultism only attract the masochists and sycophants. They can have it!

Mike, if you don't mind, please pour me a White Russian or better yet a Rusty Nail. Methinks I need a drink <sigh>


Keep yer powder dry and cutters hair poppin' sharp!

[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 24 January 1999).]
You are both a diplomat and a gentleman.
Your above response is the "jewel in the Sebenza" as far as I'm concerned.
When people I admire post admirable topics and like behavior, I question that I must have read too much Will Rogers


Talk is cheap. Free speech is not.


You know I can be hot-tempered and not always the posterchild of restraint.
I would ask, however, that we refrain from discussing "their" problem for the fact that it will inevitably spill over here. And we know it will if we contribute to it. Just last night a prominant member(in IRC) had to be convinced to not put his 2 cents in, in order to correct an unimportant statement.
There are things we all know and are confident in, and expressing them serves nothing and can exacerbate the whole problem.

hmmmmm...*thinking*...a good trait in husband material...obedience. I like that in a man

I knew I was on touchy ground when I made the post. I wanted you all to know that what occurs elswhere will not occur here period!

I wanted to nip a potential problem in the bud before it started. I figured with all that was going on in other forums someone would mention it here so I decided to post a pre-emptive strike, so to speak.

We should not gloat in the demise of others or the mistakes which compound themselves without proper supervision. What we are doing here is different. Calls for speculation would be required to determine which is best. I know I am comfortable here and that is what is important to me. What is most important to me is that all of you are comfortable here as well. Should I ever cross the line feel free to tell me.

I remember a post I made in the infancy of this forum in which I asked the members to vote as to whether the post should stand. You voted for me to remove it and I did. This is now policy here and you guys decide what you want to see not me.

I let Frogman's (Tom Kyle) post stand in it's original form. His beef is with a maker and his point is valid. He attacked the philosophy of the man and not the man himself. Although one could surmise otherwise a simple read between the lines shows this to be so.

Have fun and enjoy!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

(Bella) Dona:
Well okay but do I really have to go to my room now too


Keep yer powder dry and cutters hair poppin' sharp!

[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 24 January 1999).]
Dear Mike,
I have only been a member for a few days but everything I have read so far has been extremely well mannered and with the specific intent of helping others. (Sometimes, the spelling could use a little work but...).
I've seen the same interaction in hunting camps. When heavily armed men interact with other heavily armed men, the fact that no one has any edge results in an uncommon display of gentlemanly behavior.
If you are responsible for this forum, you have something to be proud of and I thank you.

Doc, it's not so much Mike, or myself for that matter, but the people who frequent these forums. We gave them a place to come and interact with a common topic, a relaxed atmosphere, and few rules.

They responded by giving us well thought out and meaningful discussions on a variety of levels. On top of that, they've policed themselves to the point where we've had no need to do anything but voice our concerns.

Talk about polite and open minded!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Thank you, the members of BladeForums.com for making our jobs easy. It's so much nicer only to have to maintain the site, not monitor behavior, and you guys make this place both fun *and* worthwhile.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here
Spark is right; it is you, not I, which makes this site.

In any free society, the conflict between social conformity and individual liberty is permanent, unresolvable, and necessary. I beleive I am doing the right thing here but to be absolutely certain about something, one must know everything or nothing about it. Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something and those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

The important thing is never to stop questioning. If you want to make enemies, try to change something. Only the suppressed word is dangerous. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.

Too bad all the people who know how to run this country are busy running taxicabs or cutting hair.

Over the past few years I have witnessed much change over the internet. A true definition of chaos is trying to piece this huge puzzle together. To have this many different minds from so many lands in one place talking about one subject for months on end without controversy would be downright impossible and even more so boring. We have acheived a level of excellence which is hard to attain in any format. Shall we continue?

Live for the moment for the next may be your last!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Confession time. I am prejudiced. Not in the ways which get one in legal or moral trouble. I have a real problem with the willfully ignorant. Honest men and women can share a difference of opinion, as we often do on this forum. My point is that this forum is an outstanding source of information and opinion which we all can use to combat our own ignorance. Learning about edged tools is a joy to all of us, as is sharing what we know and think with our forum friends. It is truly a wonderful life!

All the Very Best to All!!
Chris Smith
Man, let's not get into this again. Whatever it is that is, (if it IS), happening "over there", let it stay "over there".

Keep the restraint flowing. See the effect it has on our forum "intellectuals", Billy Mac and the great "Bald 1".

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