Ceramic Blade?

Jun 29, 1999
I'm looking at getting a ceramic fixed blade. Anybody got one, handled one?

I want to know how they compare to steel.
Mad Dog Gen. X is what I'm looking at, but I'm really open to suggestions.


I have two Mad Dog Mirage X, an Operator and a Hunter. If you ask how these compare to steel, the answer is easy: nothing in common. You probably have to elaborate more on your question, because ceramic and steel are two different entities. But here we go.

Ceramic edge is really hard, meaning it will cut and cut almost anything, including steel and glass (well, if you want to spend the whole day doing it anyway). The edge won't roll, but will chip if you apply some suddent impact (no dropping onto hard surfaces). And no prying either! Edge deterioration due to abrasion is minimal. And there's no fear of corrosion to speak of.

Ceramic knives can be resharpened with diamond and Silicon Carbide, though I have no experience in sharpening it with the latter. Ask Cliff Stamp about this, he's more knowledgable than me.

The ceramic used in MD Mirage X is probably the most advanced now, compared to Pumas and Bokers. The first time I sharpened my Bokers, I ended up with chips along the edge. I had to be really careful in applying the force to get it done. So far no problem with my MDs, though it's still a long process compared to sharpening steel blades. But then again, the edge will be there longer.

Overall, I still believe in steel knives for everyday tasks.

If you get one, DO NOT CUT PACKING STRAP WITH IT. I made that mistake and now have a nice chip in the blade as a reminder. Anything that will resist cutting, then let loose violently has the potential to chips ceramic blades because of their brittleness. Definitely not practical as any kind of a carry knife, IMNSHO.

If I ever own another, it will be for the kitchen only.

Knowledge without understanding is knowledge wasted.
Understanding without knowledge is a rare gift - but not an impossibility.
For the impossible is always possible through faith. - Bathroom graffiti, gas station, Grey, TN, Dec, 1988

We loose sight of it here sometimes, but kitchen knife work is the most important knife work we do. And the Kyocera ceramic kitchen knives do that very well, though you'll want a conventional steel boning knife.

AKTI Member # SA00001
My dad's catalog (professional cutlery direct) deals with a lot of ceramic kitchen knives. They make the greatest paring knives and small chef's knives, but i have never used them for field use. The only downside i can think of is that you can't sharpen them on your own. You have to send them back to the company to be sharpened.
How about an EOD? They are a quarter of an inch thick.

Personally, I'm holding out for flexable ceramic.

"All of our knives open with one hand, in case you're busy with the other"