Ceramic Shelf Material

Dec 21, 2005
Greetings All

I'm new to this forum even though I've been making knives awhile. I'm currently an ABS Apprentice and still have a bit of practicing to do. I'm using a propane gas forge that has a ceramic shelf the steel is heated on. I'm now trying my hand at damascus and the flux is eating up the shelf. Can anyone tell me where to find this shelf material. The guy that made it for me has moved and and I can't find it here locally in downtown Wyoming. If you have any information, either post a response or e-mail me at revwilly161@yahoo.com

Thanks in advance,
I was told that it is possible to use 1/16 stainless steel as a shelf..It seems like it would work great if it doesen't melt.:eek:
get some "mullite" kiln shelf from a pottery suppply house, i've found it on ebay
blue ram refractory also works, Darren Ellis has bubble alumina, i haven't tried it but if Darren says its good it is