
JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
I have slowly been doing some changes so I can get back to making knives when it gets warmer. I closed the business PayPal account and opened a personal account, the business bank account has also been closed. I will file income on my personal taxes next year.
I plan on making less knives than before, more of a hobby than a business, and don’t know if I will take orders or just make what I’m in the mood to make. I will also not be offering sheaths, there are plenty of good leathermakers out there to get a sheath from.
Awesome.....good to hear!!! Glad you are going to be healthy enough!!!

I was going to ask you If you might be interested in heat treating a few O1 blades?

I've never made a blade with that steel, but I've been kicking around the idea.....
good news, I think you will find doing the hobby idea to be more fun, and open to your interpretation, and experimentation as you have time. I wish you continued improvement and glad you’re feeling better.
I thought maybe you might try some kitchen knives. A good chef knife is always going fast in kitchen section. Maybe if you have some stainless left a good paring knife or boning knife in flat grind. Just to throw out some ideas, but of course when you are ready after healing some more. Spend time with family first, I am glad you have a good support system… home and here. :)
John, I know you have made a variety of kitchen knives. Have you ever made one that was fashioned after a traditional butcher knife, something similar to the Old Hickory Hunting Knife? As tough as the Viktim was a JK butcher knife should handle anything.

Personal Camp kind of has that shape.

I'm glad to hear you've been able to get back into the shop John!

If you decide you would like to make standard sized, Modern Bowie XD blank, I'll be ready and waiting with cash in hand. :)

I think the XD XT would be a bit too big for me, lol.