• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

    User Name
    Serial number request

Check me out, www.burkeknives.com

Jan 15, 2003
Now that I have my membership I can post my knives and ask for your feedback. Please check out my site at, www.burkeknives.com. I was encoredged by my friends and coworkers to go full ahead with it as they use my knives, check out the Entry Tool, and enlardge the picture for full info.

Thanks, Jim Burke.:)
Roshi, thanks for checking out my stuff. I have alot of folders in circulation right now.

Thanks, Jim.......
Those are great looking folders. They look pretty stout, but then looking at the picures of the guy who made 'em suggests to me that a nice dainty gent's folder probably ain't gonna happen! :eek: geegee
The Montana Camp knife and Entry tool look first rate. With all the great knives out, It's really hard to oay off the CC every month!!!

Seriously, great work. I cannot wait to see a review of them.

Thanks for the great replies about my knives guys. I like things made to do hard work so I try to reflect that in the construction of my knives. I realy like to make a good hard work folder, I guess because thats my favorite thing to carry, along with my Kimber 45. As For a field knife, they need to big enough to work. Better to have to much than to little, a bad situation tought me that. I am still trying to bring myself to making a gents folder. When I get those solid titanium handle knives in peoples hands they are finding out that they are so thin you dont even know you have it your pocket until you need it, I use .80 titanium for the solid handles very sturdy but sleek, alows for the cary of a bigger pocket clip knife.

Thanks, Jim Burke.:)
Well Jim, it looks like you went and got that Knifemakeer membership real quick. Good for you.

As I have stated before, those knives of yours look very, very good. They look very much like they are built for hard work.
Hey Jim
You took some good advice from the people close to you.
You do very nice work.
Best of luck. Keep your calender open 'cause your going to be busy filling those orders.