Cheyenne Auto


Gold Member
Oct 3, 1998
Just acquired a new Cheyenne auto. These knives not only look great, but they are made with the highest levels of precision. There is absolutely no blade play! The best thing is the light weight and balance. These are very slick. Now, my wife wants one! Actually, I think that she has already got it-I have not seen it for a day or so!

Been talking to some forum friends about these. Looks like one may have a slot in my collection soon.
Turber, you KNOW you make the right decision. The Cheyenne Auto is excellent. Lock up is tight (an understatement), blade grind is perfect, sharp as you could ask for out of the box (or any other way), clip is the pest looking on the market. Now, when do we see a clip point blade and an out the front? Jim L is the man to make an OTF, I think.
We will have a modified clip point after the first of the year. Also we will have new scale materials. I will make some in Carbon Fiber and that should look HOT! i should have prototypes of the second knife by the Shot Show, the third by the Blade Show and a fixed blade or two by the Blade Show as well! Got some really neat stuff on the drawing board and Darrel Ralph is now on board with us so look for some really neat stuff next year!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber