Chicken Hawk?

Jul 11, 2003
Its funny the stuff you see sometimes when you are out in the world. Today up here in New Hampshire, the sky had some blue in it, and the temps were close to 60. I set out for the perfect afternoon jog. The route I have been taking leads me down the hills toward the river, then I run the river road and back again. I suck at running, but the results are showing, and well... its cheap but effective exercise.


Down on the river is this feller that has a log cabin. He bought it for a song. He had to... it gets flooded every year there. Well, he's a buckskinner-type, Harley-riding, farmin', livestock-raisin' kind-of-guy. He's got a few chickens in a small chicken coop just 20 or 30 feet off the road (remember... this is redneck country). The coop is set up on cinder blocks a couple feet to get those hens out of the water, and there's a ramp made out of a 2x4 leading up to it.

As I was passing by - huffing and puffing of course - I saw a bird sitting on the ramp. At first I thought: that's a weird looking chicken..., but I looked again and it was a hawk of some kind! Yellowish head and breast, huge clawed feet, and the hawkish, hooked bill. Beautiful bird! I looked around for the chickens (by now I had stopped to look closer), but I saw none. Then my eyes adjusted a little more to the shade the coop was in, and I saw all the hens inside! They were all just sitting there terrified!

That hawk was just biding his time, sitting on the 2x4 in the only patch of sunlight shining in the hen yard. Too funny! :cool:
Did he have that look on his face like he was trying to deside which one to have for lunch? Or maybe he just enjoyed the "fear factor" the chickens were experenceing. Who's to say. Hard to tell whats on a hawks mind.
Foghorn Leghorn wouldn't tolerate that. :D He'd come with some way to out smart that chicken hawk. :D