Chop/Cut or Saw?

Oct 8, 1998

Imagine you are in the woods, and you are planning to build a permanent shelter.

You are well versed in building with wood.

Was it worth it to drag a saw with you or are you doing everything with an axe or variant?

Marion David Poff aka Eye, one can msg me at If I fail to check back with this thread and you want some info, email me.

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Check out my review of the Kasper AFCK, thougths on the AFCK and interview of Bob Kasper.

If i am building a permanent shelter with no restrictions imposed I will have a wide variety of gear, from hand tools to heavy equipment. Yes, there will be saws involved.

James, Are you playing devils advocate with me?

Clarification, I am asking, you have an axe. Is that really enough or do you need a saw?
MDP, sorry, just being a pain

I think that in a pinch, an axe would do fine, and might even be preferable if going so far as to build a log cabin. More versatile than a saw, so the axe gets my vote.

i would have to go with an axe.
saws are easy to use, and safer, but i cant sharpen one now, let alone in the middle of nowhere with minimal equipment.
i would be able to sharpen an axe with any old rock lying around-it wouldnt be a good edge, and it may take a while, but i could resharpen an axe.
also, im not likely to break the axe head, and i could replace the handle if i break it, but i have broken saws before, and i wouldnt be able to repair/replace it out in the woods.
id have to go with an axe as well
If you have the option yes, drag a saw along, as they work well. In the pre-chain saw days around here a 'felling ax' was common, typically a long, not too wide, hard double bit, but most of the work was done with saws. A triangle file seems to handle the task of touching up a lot of hand saws.
How 'bout the Pocket Chainsaw? Cuts thru wood (or just about anything) faster than any other saw OR axe, w/far less effort. Far more durable than any other saw, too, as there really is no problem w/binding or breaking; nor does dulling appear to be a problem. (I mean, you'd need to cut thru slabs of concrete or metal piping before these teeth give in...)

Moreover, it weighs only 3 oz or so, comes rolled up in its own round tin, and takes up almost no space. (Fits easily in a small pocket, or even your sock in a pinch.) All for $20-$25.

Yea or nay?

I'll have to second Storyvilles' request. I was wondering the same thing. I'd like to add another question for anyone who's owned a pocket chain saw. I know that the pocket cs cuts in both directions and a normal chain, only one.

Q: Are normal cs teeth the same as the pocket cs teeth. In other words, can I cut a normal chain open, put a wood handle on each end and have a pocket cs that only cuts in one direction?

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one." Luke 22:36 & John 3:18
Yea, definitely a saw. I can't imagine doing everything with an axe. An axe may be cool, and look macho, but a saw is a LOT more accurate, and a LOT easier to use (concerning energy experndature). Pocket saws are nifty man!

A saw is a construction tool, an axe is more a survival tool.

Personaly I'd prefer a small axe/hatchet to a saw. I can do everything I can do with a saw with an axe instead, but the reverse is not true.

That said, I've been considering one of those pocket chainsaw jobs.
I think it is worth it to take a saw along if you have to do a lot of cutting (takes less energy I think) and/or if you need to be more quiet. If you can carry both an axe is handy to get a saw out if you make a mistake and get it bound up.
If I'm gonna be there for a very long time I would have to go with a double edged axe. Any type of saw will get dull and could prove to be quite a task to sharpen, while an axe is easily sharpened. You may break the handle but you could still use the axe to make a new one!
