Christmas dinner help from Busse


CRK one piece knife collector
Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2002
Christmas dinner just wouldn't be the same without a Busse knife to help out! I used my N.I.C.K. knife to slice up this 14lb. standing beef rib roast, no problem for a Busse! :eek:

WOW...great's making hungry looking at that delicious roast!:eek: :thumbup: :D Oh' nice nick!:thumbup:

Is that granite counter top "Dakota Mahogany"?

It is slab "Tropical Brown", we remodeled last Feburary, I can send you better pictures if you want. Looking for Ideas for the new house?

Christmas dinner just wouldn't be the same without a Busse knife to help out! I used my N.I.C.K. knife to slice up this 14lb. standing rib roast, no problem for a Busse! :eek:

I don't have a NICK:grumpy:

I plan on using the Mojo with the serrations at the tip (where they should be) for this five rib prime-rib I'll be dealing with tonight. Some of these guys like meat cooked so that it lookes like a good Vet could bring it back to life.
I don't have a NICK:grumpy:

I plan on using the Mojo with the serrations at the tip (where they should be) for this five rib prime-rib I'll be dealing with tonight. Some of these guys like meat cooked so that it lookes like a good Vet could bring it back to life.

ROTFLMAO!!! N I C E !! Saw your pix, cool idea, AND with the Mojo too! I'm planning on begging the CS for a set of kitchen cutlery soon for my new home... Maybe we can all band together for the same NICK package(s)... snakeskin handles sound good, huh? :D ;) ...Maybe if we all got in line for some SERIOUS azz kissing NOW, maybe in 5-10years??? :D

I call it 'still mooing', LOL extra rare. :D
Some of these guys like meat cooked so that it lookes like a good Vet could bring it back to life.

Here's my reply when asked how I want my steak/meat cooked.

Just wipe it's arse and knock the hooves off it.
:eek: SUUUUUUUUUWWEEEEEEET:thumbup: I'm hungry now!
Is it a standing Porkducci or a standing beefducci:D :p