Christmas gift swap!! And now official signup list!!

Thanks for doing this Matt! I pick Mykel as well!
No problem Chris. I don't know how you kept track of names and who gets who and who has what address in the previous years when there were around 20 people in the gift swap. All I know is I almost got confused with just 7!!
Alrighty.......names are drawn and everyone on the list in the first post should have a PM or email with the forum name of the person that was drawn for you along with their real name and address. If you didn't receive your, please get ahold of me asap. There are less people that previous years, but I think we will all still have a lot of fun this year.

I'm going to get my gift out asap and will ask everyone to make sure that they get theirs sent out, so they have time to make to to the giftee by or before Christmas Eve. If anyone has any questions let me know. NOW.......lets see who cracks first and opens their gift right money is on Mykel!!!! :D

Thanks for doing this Matt! I pick Mykel as well!
Now,now boys,I waited last year & will again this year.The humiliation of 2011 was too much to bear again & besides,I've matured since then.:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

I just hope there's no holes in the package requiring me to open it to make sure nothing got lost.;)

My box o coal will be going out Tuesday btw.:D
got my name today. i apologize up front. i've been pretty busy. haven't had much time for shopping. but late, i will not be. i hope you like slim jims and hubba bubba! ;) :D
got my name today. i apologize up front. i've been pretty busy. haven't had much time for shopping. but late, i will not be. i hope you like slim jims and hubba bubba! ;) :D
Mmmm,sounds like a survival package to me.
Thanks for getting this together. Getting ideas....hoping to make this a good Christmas for someone. :D
had to work all weekend - will be getting this together in the next couple of days...
Got the big item figured out. Need to fill the package with some other goodies, though. Will ship mine out tomorrow.
USPS is taking mine West. Happy trails, little package.
I got a package from WI. today!
Thanks NP!

And yeah,it is still intact,though it shakes really enticingly and I mean really enticingly....

A box is sitting in my living room, near the tree. My wife placed it there, and I just stare at it like a little child. No shake test.....yet.