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cigarrette, anyone?

Oct 9, 2003

does anyone believe this is for cigarrettes?
use a pipe cleaner....

and no, I'll pass on the smokes. :p
BuckyKatt said:
Oh, sure you could use it for cigarettes. Just make sure to take a look at this thread first:


Uh, why? I missed something there for sure..

Yeah, Danny, it really does look like a copy of an old cigarette holder all right. I've seen similar ones of european design from the 20's and 30's. I suppose you could use it for other smoking materials (hash?), but the bowl is so small that for that a regular bong would work a lot better IMO.

Svashtar said:
Uh, why? I missed something there for sure..

As in, if you walked around smoking a Camel Light out of that thing, you'd want to make sure you didn't do anything else to emphasize your apparently quite... shall we say... effeminate ways.
BuckyKatt said:
As in, if you walked around smoking a Camel Light out of that thing, you'd want to make sure you didn't do anything else to emphasize your apparently quite... shall we say... effeminate ways.

Which is why the design is for a woman. I have seen pictures of women using such a holder, but no men. Regardless, it wouldn't have occurred to me that anyone using such a thing would automatically be gay. (A bit eccentric perhaps!)

Svashtar said:
Regardless, it wouldn't have occurred to me that anyone using such a thing would automatically be gay. (A bit eccentric perhaps!)


Fair enough, although I'm not being serious... Just a little ribbing. Perhaps I should ;) insert more :p smilies so my jovial tone is clearer. :D

I keep forgetting that not everyone is going to read my statements exactly how I mean them to sound... In any event, hey, if you're dressing as a wizard for Halloween, go nuts, but otherwise, you'd get some funny looks :eek: with that thing.