I am new to the forum and very impressed with the vast amount of information I have found. It seems there is so much to read that I can't quite come to a decision about a knife. I need an everyday carry knife in Phoenix, AZ that will withstand the normal activities of box cutting, paper cutting, cutting plastic, and cable ties as well the ability to stand up to cutting oranges and apples on a regular basis (I love fruit). I was thinking of a fixed blade for simplicity and the fact that I was not that crazy about my last folder (benchmade ares). I have vasilated with the idea of the CRKT F4 as well as the Camillus mini-talon and many more. The problem is I don't know what type of steel I really need or even if a fixed knife is a bad idea. I even have thought about getting a balisong (benchmade 31). Well as you can see I am all over the place and could really use some direction from the experts. Any help would be great. By the way I am looking to spend between $100 to $150.