
Jan 24, 2003
I am new to the forum and very impressed with the vast amount of information I have found. It seems there is so much to read that I can't quite come to a decision about a knife. I need an everyday carry knife in Phoenix, AZ that will withstand the normal activities of box cutting, paper cutting, cutting plastic, and cable ties as well the ability to stand up to cutting oranges and apples on a regular basis (I love fruit). I was thinking of a fixed blade for simplicity and the fact that I was not that crazy about my last folder (benchmade ares). I have vasilated with the idea of the CRKT F4 as well as the Camillus mini-talon and many more. The problem is I don't know what type of steel I really need or even if a fixed knife is a bad idea. I even have thought about getting a balisong (benchmade 31). Well as you can see I am all over the place and could really use some direction from the experts. Any help would be great. By the way I am looking to spend between $100 to $150.


Welcome to bladeforums.:)

I'm sure others will help you out with your questions. Bladeforums is a HUGE resource, as you have already found out. Remember to use the search tool, even in the archives and you will find what your looking for almost every time.
OK, For a fixed blade in the $100-$150 range, I recomend a Swamp Rat or a Tops.

If you are after a Bali, You can get a good Microtech or Benchmade in that price range.

If you rethink this and decide on a folder instead, BUY a Al Mar Sere 2000. I have never heard one single complaint about this knife, in my opinion, its a poor mans Sebenza. Smooth, solid lock up and built to last.

Welcome to the forums by the way.:)
Originally posted by g0lfb0y
I have vasilated with the idea

Boy Nicholas, you got me with that word! I had to look it up.;) BTW, it's spelled vacillated (remember, I looked it up:p) . Hey, welcome to the forums! You will find all kind of useful (and some not so useful) information here. Just don't be like this new kid currently in Practical Tactical and Wilderness Survival forum and you should be allright. I won't mention his name, but just about everyone here knows who I'm talking about. You will figure out who I'm referring to in no time. He is a real character:rolleyes: . Again, welcome to the forums and make yourself at home.

If you need to use the fixed blade in urban areas, I wouldn't think a Busse is that great of an idea. People tend to condemn black blades.
You would want to check with your legistlations before you buy a fixed blade for your kind of carry (you said you're all over the place), because many places, fixed blades are limited to open carry and will scare more people that way (that is if you care about what they think).
I do have a CRKT F4, and they're not bad. The problem is that they don't heat treat the AUS 6 hard enough and it will dull fairly quickly. I've no experience with the talon, but thought it would be a great knife to have.
I appreciate all the helpful advise and apologize for the spelling error. While I am unaware of the other new kid to whom you are refering, I can only hope I don't elicit such a negative response from the group.

Thanks again,
I too live in Phoenix, and while in Phoenix carry just about anything that strikes my fancy, especially since there are basically no knife laws, as long as you're not carrying concealed. You have an exceptional number of custom makers here in Phoenix including several "world famous" makers. My recommendation is to attend the next Arizona Knife Collectors meeting next Tuesday night, talk to some makers and see what they can make you in your price range. You might really be suprised. If interested, send me an e-mail and I'll direct you to their site and give you any info you might want about them.
Have you considered the Camillus Mini-Talon? It's a handy little 2.5" fixed blade made that comes with a multi-use sheath for neck or belt wear. The blade is Talonite, which means you can cut fruit with it all day, forget to clean it off, and still get no staining. It goes for under $150.

--Bob Q
I try not to cut food with the same blade I use for general utility chores. Have you considered a two bladed trapper or stockman pattern? How about the new Benchmade switchback, axis lock main blade with a slipjoint on the back?
Welcome Nicholas!

Start off with a Spyderco Endura, it is a great knife for the price. Then spend some time trying to get your hands on as many knives as possible. Try and get into some knife shops or perhaps a show. You will know it when you see it. When you find the one you want you will have the Spydie excellent backup. The Endura was my first and still one of my favorite. A gateway knife for sure.

Favorite EDC fixed blade would be a dozier slim outdoorsman. Excellent blade and sheath combo.

Favorite folder. Al Mar SERE 2K.

It seems like I might have to stay away from a fixed knife because they don't seem very conducive to carrying in a non-concealed manor. Especially since I don't tuck my shirts in. So I have been looking at folding knives and am really interested in that Al-Mar Sere 2000, but can't stop drooling over the Small Sebenza. I am thinking maybe it would be worth it to save and get what everyone considers the best folding knife around? Any thoughts?