Cleaning Blades

Oct 5, 1998
What do people find is the best thing for cleaning tape adhesive off blades after much slaying of the dreaded box monster.

I have used my Tuf cloth in the past but am worried about the adhesive disolving in the solvent and somehow screwing up somehow when I use the cloth again on something else.

After allmost a full day in the wharehouse yesterday my Calypso Jnr blade is most unpleasant.

I am today carring my coated Genesis so I will test the anti adhesive properties of the coating

Hi bagman - try using some fingernail polish remover. Pour just a little bit on a rag or cotton ball and rub it over the areas to be cleansed. This stuff will zip it off in no time. Hope this helps.

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator

"The keystroke is mightier than the sword"

Thakns Dexter I will give it a go but I might get some funny looks from my wife when I ask to borrow it

Hello Bagman,
Contact Sentry Solutions and get their opinion. If I'm not mistaken, they're on this forum but you can contact them at

They have a toll free number and were most helpful on the phone when I inquired about their products.

If I recall my old chemistry classes correctly, fingernail polish remover is a solvent and has the same action as your TufCloth without the protective properties.
Hay Bagman,

Here’s another fix; try oil of any kind it will take off sticky stuff from almost anything. You can use almost any oil even cooking spray just spray it on and rub the sticky stuff off.

Take Care,


"Every Dog Has His Day"

I have used Metal-Glo polished to remove adhesive and it did the job fine plus it shined up the blade.



I've had great luck with WD-40! I'm surprised no one has brought it up before. I use it to get the sticky price labels off almost anything. On a blade, you can leave it on for a protective coating or wipe it off with a dry rag. Great stuff! It is the only thing I use on the O-ring chain on my off road motorcycle--no other lube of any kind.
By far the best and easiest (in my opinion) is regular car wax (or polish). Not only does it clean it right off, it leaves it looking really good. Actually, pretty much any type of oil based liquid will work because the adhesive is oil based. WD-40 is not my first choice because of the smell and mess. Nail polish remover (acetone) is unnecessarily harsh; it can harm alot of finishes/materials.

Lucky Dog is right about even cooking oil. Once, I told some girls to use car wax to get old sticker adhesive off of their car. They said that Martha Stewart recommends cooking oil! They both will work fine.


Sentry Solutions recomends using isopropyl (rubbing) alchohol for cleaning things prior to using the Tuf-Cloth on them. Problem is I've found that the 70% isopropyl you get in the drug store doesn't do a very good job. The 90% isopropyl is better but still not great for alot of adhesive build up. Finger nail polish remover works well but my wife gets pissed off when I use up her's so I use acetone. It's the same thing without the fragrance added (it does smell bad). Acetone is alot cheaper than finger nail polish too. Mineral spirits work well too. Also, Sentry Solutions recomends using a few drops of mineral spirits on the tuf-cloth if it drys out so its definately compatible with the tuf-cloth.



One word: WD40. I've had stuff that I've scraped and scraped and couldn't get anywhere on. Spray on some WD40, let it sit for about a minute and it just falls off the blade. It is far better and easier than just about any method.

Says right on the can that it is great for removing sticker adhesive.

Try it, I think you will be amazed.

Finger nail polish remover is acetone with frangrance added. Acetone is pretty rough stuff on finished surfaces, as are all of the alcohol family of solvents, Methol Ethyl Keton, Methyl Isobutyl Ketone, etc. Aromatic solvents like Lacquer thinner, Toluol, Xylol should also be avoided as they can cause very bad things to happen to your brain( This family of solvents is what glue sniffers are really trying to get out of the glue). Safest bet is to use an Aliphatic solvent such as paint thinner(mineral spirits), K1 kerosene or naptha(lighter fluid). Winshield washer fluid, if it contains enough alcohol to burn(check the label for a Flamable warning) is also the cheapest to use. Cooking oil or lard also can work, depending on the adhesive used in the tape. D&L hand cleaner(75% kerosene) will also work. Never, never, never, never use a Chloroflorcarbon based cleaner(Brake part cleaner) or an Aromatic solvent(tolulene,xylene,etc) based product(choke cleaner, carb cleaner)inside. And lastly never use starting fluid(ether)or gasoline, the fumes are explosive. A dibasicacidesther such as 3M's safest paint stripper will work, but it needs washed off to avoid having the stuff continue to be active.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.

I use a product called "Icky Sticky Stuff Remover" ;-)
or sometimes "Goo-be-gone" which is basicly the same stuff. It even takes gum out of hair (grandchild) without danger, so it isn't going to hurt a knife blade. It's a Cirtus-based product, 100% organic biodegradable. Works on about everything else also!
I use a product called "Icky Sticky Stuff Remover" ;-)
or sometimes "Goo-be-gone" which is basicly the same stuff. It even takes gum out of hair (grandchild) without danger, so it isn't going to hurt a knife blade. It's a Cirtus-based product, 100% organic biodegradable. Works on about everything else also!
I use a product called "Icky Sticky Stuff Remover" ;-)
or sometimes "Goo-be-gone" which is basicly the same stuff. It even takes gum out of hair (grandchild) without danger, so it isn't going to hurt a knife blade. It's a Cirtus-based product, 100% organic biodegradable. Works on about everything else also!
Try "citrus label remover" from some industrial supply houses. It is a lot safer for you and your knife than the acetone, etc. It also smells a lot nicer. It works on all kinds of labels and tape. Just get the paper or plastic film (mostly) off first. An alternative is to find an Amway distributor in the white-pages and get some "Gel Tar and Bug Remover". It is very similar stuff and works great too. Afterwards, wash with (dish) soap and water, then dry thoroughly.

[This message has been edited by pso (edited 10 January 1999).]
Well, this just may be the easiest way yet to clean blades that are gunked with adhesive. Although, I saw a lot of great ideas that work well. I noticed that some of you mentioned citrus-based products, they work well. But, has anyone ever run their knife blade through and orange a few times and then wiped it clean with a rag? I learned this from grandfather some years ago, I guess it's an old farmers trick. Works great and most people have an orange or lemon tree in their backyards. Give it a try!
Whatever you use don't use Goop Off! It smells like lighter fluid and it can damage a lot of finishes. Try the citrus-based cleaner stuff (available at most drug stores), or use good ol' WD-40. Simple Green is supposed to removed adhesive and there's no bad smell.

This may give away what I do on weekends when the weather is nice but the best stuff for box tape adhesive removal is golf grip solvent. Golf grips are installed by wrapping the shaft with double sided tape, wetting it down with grip solvent and then pushing the grip over it. The stuff removes tape adhesive instantly and causes to harm to metal. You can find it at a golf pro shop. Take care.

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