Cleaning Delrin scales on 307 Wrangler.

Dec 6, 2005
Hello from the UK.
:) I am fairly new to this forum.
Just bought an old Buck 307 Wrangler. I need to clean the Delrin scales... what is the best way of doing this without damaging them.?.. it is mainly grease and dust on them.
I would also like to know what blade steel was used on this model...
if anyone can tell me that would be that I can get them sharp again.

Steve Casares
Soap and water, Delrin is pretty tough stuff, just don't use any solvent cleaners that would not be appropriate for plastics.

The blades and stuff are stainless steel, so a little water and soap, then wipe off and oil and you'll be fine.

The 307 Wrangler was actually made for Buck by another american knife company named Camillus, under contract. Blade steel on my new Camillus one is 420HC, but I can't swear that's what Camillus used back then on the Buck contract knives.

PS...welcome to bladeforums!!!!!!!!!
Thanks very much for the reply.

I know it sounds a bit lame, but I really love this knife and do not want to damage it.

It fits so well in my big hands and it cuts well now, having been left lying around the farm for years without being looked after very much.

thanks again.
I might try and post some pics when it is all cleaned up.
Please do, those big Stockman patterns are a favorite of mine, their just about the best jack-of-all-trades pocketknife.