Cleaning up a carbon steel knife?

Nov 8, 2000
Is there an accepted way to "clean up" a neglected old carbon steel blade?
Fine paper?
steel wool?
oil with above?
something other than oil?

I realize that they will not look new, but I would like to just sort of clean off protruding scale and grimy stains.

I think most of what you have listed above should work. It depends on how corroded the blade is. You might want to start with a 3-M green scrubbing pad; they work pretty well for cleaning blades. You might also try some metal polish like Flitz.
I use a combo 3M with the flitz and it works wonders. After that is done, it lightly coat it with that stuff that AG Russell sells, and right now I cannot remember the name. I know that it is not a good practise, but I can store the carbon knives in sheath with that stuff applied and they will not turn. It is good stuff.

Originally posted by cerberus
I use a combo 3M with the flitz and it works wonders. After that is done, it lightly coat it with that stuff that AG Russell sells, and right now I cannot remember the name. I know that it is not a good practise, but I can store the carbon knives in sheath with that stuff applied and they will not turn. It is good stuff.

You must be thinking about "RustFree"? That's some pretty good stuff.
Thanks glockman99, RustFree. Hopefully I won't forget it next time.

Enjoying that Becker are ya?:D

try nevr-dull. I used it on many carbon steel blades, and they don't seem to rust again. It's sold everywhere. also, try an emery cloth, lots of gentle buffing.