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Clip, Blade-Up, Blade -Down Questions

Feb 3, 2003
I am new to the world of knives and have a question regarding folding knives that come with a "clip" in liew of a sheath. I have a Ka-Bar/ Dozier Folding Hunter on order. This knife (4 1/4" closed) comes with a clip and thumb stud (both reversible). Would someone please explain how and where the clip attaches to the knife, how it attaches to the clothing (like a clip on a fountain pen?), and where most people carry a knife with a clip? Can a clip be removed without ruining the knife? The reason I ask is that I am comcerned the clip will make the knife very uncomfortable to the hand - especially during extended use. Also, can someone explain to me what is the significance of "blade up" and"blade down" when one is referring to the blade position of a folding knife as it is opened, and what, if any, difference it makes ( I don't get it)?? I'm sure you seasoned veterans can set me straight on this.
Not sure about the KaBar folder, but the tip-up or tip-down debate seems endless. It really boils down to personal preference. Spyderco usually gives tip-down carry to knives with heavier handles, that way they can be "Spyder dropped" open. Lightweight handled knives usually get tip-up (The Calypso Jr being an exeption).

Generally, the first clip style knife you own is the style you end up getting used to. Since the Police was my first Spydie I like tip-down but I'm getting real partial to the Native which is, of course, just the opposite.

The clothing clip is designed to carry the knife at the top rear of your stongside pocket, though it can be used for inside-the-waistband carry if the knife is thin enough. Local laws sometimes frown on "concealed" knives so IWB carry may be out of the question anyways. Really it's limitless. The bib pocket of overalls, a sun visor in a car, coat pocket, etc. There's even a picture in the Spyderco book of a woman with a Dragonfly clipped to her bra strap!

And no, clips do not make a knife uncomfortable to use (if they are designed properly). Cheers.
Every time I see this topic posted I think "Not again. This has been discussed a million time." But then I end up reading it. I must read it, I must! :eek: I keep wanting some new insight. Maybe that's because I'm a "tip down guy", and feel like I'm in the minority (am I? :confused: ).

I think the Inspector hit the nail on the head:
Generally, the first clip style knife you own is the style you end up getting used to.
That seems to explain it as well to me as anything else I've considered. geegee
rhose, to answer your first questions...

On the kaBar Dozier, the clip attaches to the butt end of the knife with a screw, making it "tip-up". This is perfectly safe, as it is a lockback and wil not fall open (tip up lockbacks are my favorite combination). Removing the clip will not ruin the knife, it will just leave a small hole. I have removed the clip from my CRKT Mo Skeeter, making for slim pocket carry. The Dozier clip I think is very similiar to the Skeeter. The only problem you may have is knife makers propensity to use tiny allen or torx screws, which can be hard to find the right size driver for.

By the way, if you hate the Dozier, I'd be happy to take it off your hands.
to my front left pocket for over eight years now. I've never felt the clip got in the way of how the knife handles (no pun intended). I just recently switched to tip up carry and I find it incredibly fast. It also helps that I finally have a knife with a clip on the correct side. I think the big plus of a removable clip is you can tweak it a little if it's too loose or too tight. You'll have to tell us how you like the Ka-Bar. Welcome aboard.

Originally posted by geegee
I keep wanting some new insight. Maybe that's because I'm a "tip down guy", and feel like I'm in the minority (am I? :confused: ).
We do seem to be in the minority, but at least you're not alone--I'm definitely a "tip-down" guy.

While it can be a matter of what your first knife happens to be, I find that my reason is more of a physiological one. When a knife is tip-up in my pocket, my thumb is not long enough to reach the thumbstud, or opening hole or whatever to retrieve the knife and this means that I have to scoot the knife down in my hand to reach the opening device after I remove it from my pocket. With a tip-down knife, the knife is already where I want it to be when I pull it from my pocket. Tip-up might be fine if the knife is on the shorter side, but in general I find it to be less natural for me. In other words..."personal preference."

Welcome to the forums, rhrose. I suggest a search on either "tip up" or "tip down" and you will find everything you ever wanted to know about the subject.
I have enough knives both ways, that I'm comfortable with either. My LCC and Sebenza are tip up, my custom folders are tip down. My first knife with a pocket clip, was tip down, and I guess that's what I must have gotten used to, because given the choice, I generally choose tip down.