I am new to the world of knives and have a question regarding folding knives that come with a "clip" in liew of a sheath. I have a Ka-Bar/ Dozier Folding Hunter on order. This knife (4 1/4" closed) comes with a clip and thumb stud (both reversible). Would someone please explain how and where the clip attaches to the knife, how it attaches to the clothing (like a clip on a fountain pen?), and where most people carry a knife with a clip? Can a clip be removed without ruining the knife? The reason I ask is that I am comcerned the clip will make the knife very uncomfortable to the hand - especially during extended use. Also, can someone explain to me what is the significance of "blade up" and"blade down" when one is referring to the blade position of a folding knife as it is opened, and what, if any, difference it makes ( I don't get it)?? I'm sure you seasoned veterans can set me straight on this.