Coke for forging?

Nov 8, 2000
I dont know much about this subject but I was looking into making a coal forge when I get my new shop built.Correct me if I'm wrong but isnt coke what you make when you burn down coal,and the desired fuel for forging.
I am asking because at work they burn coke underneath the slab to heat the concrete....and they use alot of it!!
I asked the guy who was loading it what kind of coals they were burning and he said it was coke.Is all coke created equal ?
Hi J,
My neighbor who was a Black Smith In England told me...
Coke is a by product when you super heat coal to get the gasses to come out of it. The gasses are then used to light the street lamps befor electricity was used. The Left over or coke was found to have a cleaner heat than regular coal or wood when burned. It was a cheap by product with a secondary use.
I was at one time going to build a better forge but I lacked a supply of coke.
Good Luck
Coke is to coal as charcoal is to wood. The volatile compounds have been driven off and you're left basically with pure carbon. Coke does however have some structural elements and it's strength is important in some of the steel making operations.Yes you do form coke when you burn coal in a forge .Coke itself might make your neighbors happier but it handles differently .
Thanks guys! Mete i was hoping you would say that,about the happy neighbors.I dont want to rile up the neighborhood.Now I gotta get my truck down town :)
Smell - My parents' hobby was painting and my father and I ,one day, talked about charcoal for drawing .Commercial stuff is made from grape vine cuttings. We gathered up all the types of wood we had in the basement ,cut them into 1/4" square strips.A strip was but into a test tube and held over the kitchen gas stove to drive of the volatiles ! Then we tested each.[Fine grain fruit woods like apple were the best ]. When my mother came home into a very smelly [creosote etc] kitchen she was not amused !!!
Joe, did you see my riveters coal forge when you where here???? I'll sell it to you if you want it.;) :D
iv'e got an awsome old coal riviters forge which i havent had a chance to use since i bought my hosue, live too clsoe to my neighbors and they dont like the smoke. =( Works great... sits in the corner by my stairwell looking nice atm though lol.

Justin: That's a old one. Mine is converted to electric sewing machine motor with the foot pedal. The pedal is set knee high so you can have both hands free.:D
they had a show on Dirty Jobs a bout a week ago on making coke it was very interesting..
they've also done one on making Charcoal. they re-run them from time to time.
No. for now I am back and forth..
sent post pic's message from Bellingham.
posting this from South Carolina...