• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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    Serial number request

Cold steel-Tai Pan

Jan 1, 2007
Just ordered it yesterday and it should arrive in a couple of weeks.Don't think i'm going to be able to wait that long :D
I just wanted to hear your opinions on this interesting dagger.
Thank you.
They look really cool! That's all I can say, as I've never handled one or anything :) They're also the best design, imo, of the "Japanese" blades.

Also, according to the video you can chop someone's head in half if their head is made out of cardboard! Actually, that's a pretty cool vid.
I've had a couple of the Tai Pan. It's an excellent, impressive dagger, and you will be surpised by its' size...It's bigger than it looks in the pictures. It's also pretty light for its' size as the blade is fairly thin.
it shouldn't take no two weeks to receive any knife. unless its on backorder. i get mine in days.
Yeah, it shouldn't, but if you live in Croatia (small country in south Europe) that's another story.
pozdrav, narucio sam ga preko jednog ebay ducana koji se zove universal cutlery. preporucam ti da pogledas tamo jer su im cijene dobre. Takodjer ti preporucam da nadoplatis express mail (oko 30$) jer je meni doso za manje od tjedan dana. Sto se samoga noza tice, brutalan je. Puno je veci nego se cini na slikama i toliko ostar da se mozes obrijat s njim (doslovno). Neznam dali znas ali cold steel je od 2007. promijenio celik na Tai pan-u iz AUS8-a u bolji VG-1 (San mai 3) pa ti savjetujem da nadjes upravo taj novi zato sto puno bolje drzi ostrinu.
It's a great dagger with excellent blade geometry. Great for cutting, but strong enough to take some abuse. But I wouldn't suggest it.
I found one in a field. One of the best bits of luck I've had. I love the knife. Thin, sharp as a razor, light, has a nice balance to it. It's a very attractive piece.

Unfortunately I have not found anything to use it for. It sits in my dresser and gets admired and shown off now and again. It's awaiting a burglar.;)
Mine is "screaming" sharp on both sides, not all that heavy and is a very cool looking dagger,however, most places seem to have an aversion to people carrying daggers and the first LEO who spots it is going to hassle you and maybe arrest you for carrying an illegal weapon.

Check out you local law before flashing it around.

pozdrav, narucio sam ga preko jednog ebay ducana koji se zove universal cutlery. preporucam ti da pogledas tamo jer su im cijene dobre. Takodjer ti preporucam da nadoplatis express mail (oko 30$) jer je meni doso za manje od tjedan dana. Sto se samoga noza tice, brutalan je. Puno je veci nego se cini na slikama i toliko ostar da se mozes obrijat s njim (doslovno). Neznam dali znas ali cold steel je od 2007. promijenio celik na Tai pan-u iz AUS8-a u bolji VG-1 (San mai 3) pa ti savjetujem da nadjes upravo taj novi zato sto puno bolje drzi ostrinu.

Bas gledam jednog na ebayu. Trenutna mu je cijena oko 112 USD. Mislim da je prihvatljiva. Koliko si ti platio? Jesi ima problema sa carinom? Ne mogu naci ducan universal cutlery na ebayu.
Ja sam ga platio 190$. To se mozda cini puno ali moras uzeti u obzir da u Hrvatskoj kosta vise od 2000 kn. Sa carinom nisam imao nikakvih problema a u paketu su bila 2 noza. Bacio sam oko na ebay i vidim da u universal cutlery ducanu vise nema Tai pan-a (valjda rasprodan) ali ima puno drugih ducana koji ga drze.
Ja sam ga platio 190$. To se mozda cini puno ali moras uzeti u obzir da u Hrvatskoj kosta vise od 2000 kn. Sa carinom nisam imao nikakvih problema a u paketu su bila 2 noza. Bacio sam oko na ebay i vidim da u universal cutlery ducanu vise nema Tai pan-a (valjda rasprodan) ali ima puno drugih ducana koji ga drze.

little girl i think that such a great piece of craftmanship like the Tai pan shouldn't be used for shaving your legs and bikini area...maybe it's just me but i think that the first thing you did is shaved your legs with it:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: