Cold Steel Urban Pal....where to buy? and cheapest price??

Aug 8, 1999
looks just right for a keychain knife....
but can't find any dealers who have em, and the CS website i'm finding doesn't have an order form (i threw away my old catalog)...i'm trying not to order direct from CS if i can get it for less...
any ideas??
Urban Pal?

I don't remeber that one. Was it out long ago or did I miss it?

If you can't find one, take a look at the CS Tuf-Lite. I bought the clip point version several months ago.
I've had it on my keyring in my pocket and used it almost everyday.
It has only on small sctatch on the blade, is still quite sharp, and the zytel handle (believe it or not) has absolutely NO marks on it from the keys after all that time.

CS price: $34.99

Special Projects price:$27.99

Roger at Bayou Lafourche KnifeWorks price:$19.69

I found out about Roger after I ordered from Special Projects. Don't make the same mistake.

Good Luck with your hunt!!

--The Raptor--

[This message has been edited by Raptor (edited 01-23-2001).]
i already have the mini-pal; i like it....and having the Urban Pal would be nice- it's got a 1 1/2" blade as opposed to the 1" blade on the mini-pal.
Nobody seems to carry it since it's so new; guess i'll have to order it from Cold Steel (no biggie, it's not that much)...
I think the Urbal Pal is yet to be released... actually I'm keen on getting one the Spikes.