Cold Steel Voyager reigns supreme!

Sep 22, 2000
Just got a couple of Voyagers, XLT & LT, plain edge, and they are a fantastic value for the money.
Absolutely no blade play in any direction, great ergonomics, and a good edge holding steel that is easy to resharpen.
Overall, I don't think these can be beat for a good working/using knife.

My most sincere thanks to Glockman99 for these wonderful knives.

...You're welcome, Mike.

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663
My daily carry knife is a 4" "Voyager." They are great knives! JRF.

[This message has been edited by jrf (edited 01-24-2001).]


J/K guys- put that big Gunsite away...


Name's Ash......Housewares.

If you think the 5 inch CS Gunsite Folder is big, you should see my 5 inch plain CS Clip-Point Voyager. The blade on that one is HUGE.

(...And no Mike, Ya CAN'T have that one...

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by glockman99:

If you think the 5 inch CS Gunsite Folder is big, you should see my...


I stopped reading right there Dann...



Name's Ash......Housewares.
Glockman99: Seems we share a common love of CS knives and Glocks. I am considering getting one of the 5" "Voyagers." My 4" is a clip-point too. Now if only my state didn't frown on push-daggers! JRF.
I have the 4" plain edge to. The action is as smooth as all my linerlocks except our Benchmade. Opens easy with gravity too! It and our 98 Endura share everyday work carry duties. Would like to try the plain edge El Lobo.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by jrf:
Glockman99: Seems we share a common love of CS knives and Glocks. I am considering getting one of the 5" "Voyagers." My 4" is a clip-point too. Now if only my state didn't frown on push-daggers! JRF.</font>

That's a good point...Voyagers and Glocks do go pretty good together.
My XT Voyager for my G30, and my LT for my G27.

Now about that clip point Glockman99, I KNOW you wanna give it up. Just telling me about it is a cry for me to relieve you of it by whatever means neccesary


[This message has been edited by mikemck (edited 01-25-2001).]
I originally posted this on another thread but seems more appropriate on this one. Sorry for any duplication!

I just received my first CS knife (a 5" Voyager 29XTH). I ordered it thru This company has GREAT prices. It was only $52.00.

I have never owned a CS knife before as they seemed too inexpensive. The Voyager does seem to be a lot of knife for the money. My first impressions are as follows:
a) The knife and lock seem very strong and secure. But not easy to open with one hand! A exceptionally tight spring.
b) The blade is very very very sharp. It is sharpened to a extremely thin razor edge, so most likely will not hold the edge in hard use. Time will tell.
c) The serrations seem to be very fragile and look like they will snap off under hard use. I have heard stories of this happening.
d) The overall finish of the knife is very good.
e) The handle is an odd thing. It seems very strong and stable, yet it feels cheap and very plastic at the same time. Not my favorite, but again, I only paid $50 for the knife!
f) Here is the kicker to me: The blade, when opened is extremely sturdy. Much more sturdy than I would have imagined. There is absolutely no blade wobble at all. My $200 Emerson Commander blade wiggles and wobbles and constantly needs to be adjusted to keep it in place. It seems to me that CS is smart in designing a big knife that consists of fewer "parts". The Commander has the seperate standoffs, liners etc. With more components there is more chance of something working loose. Sometimes simpler is better.
g) I also own a REKAT Sifu. The Sifu is a much nicer, larger knife but costs more than twice as much. However, upon purchasing it, I found the blade rubbed the liner and one of the standoffs was not threaded properly. I had to send it back to REKAT, who helpfully corrected the problems. Again, like the Commander, it has more "components" than the Voyager.

My initial impressions make me want to say that if you are looking for a $50 folder which is a great, impressive, intimidating knife, you will not go wrong with CS Voyager. Will I buy another CS? Yes, if I am in need of another relatively inexepensive user knife that is a really good value.
Alan 2112,I have a plain edge El Hombre which I really love.Takes a really nice edge and those curves make it a great slicer.I think the El Lobo would be a great knife also.I have been thinking of getting a couple for my daughters.
Very happy with my Scimitar...I have more expensive knives, but they have nothing on this knife...zytel is fine with me also.

Does anyone know if CS makes any other liner locks??

I'm not completly sure, but I don't THINK(?) Cold Steel will be releasing anyother liner locks anytime soon (unless the Ti-Lite is a liner-lock, which I don't think it is.). (But don't quote me on that...).


NO...You CAN'T have my Extra-LARGE 5 inch plain Clip-Point Voyager!!! (UNLESS you have a CS Tai-Pan to trade for it...
(Along with my Glocks, that is my
"sometimes" carry knife, along with my Medium plain Clip-Point Voyager, and my Extra-LARGE 5 inch Gunsite when I'm not packin' that HUGE Clip-Point Voyager...).

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663

[This message has been edited by glockman99 (edited 01-25-2001).]