The 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details:
Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges.
Order here: - Order as many as you like, we have plenty.
Be aware that whatever the method and color - it is only a surface effect. It will immediately sand off and wear off with use.
That was the first bluing effect I tried - at a bit of an expense - about '98-'99, until I discovered that with a simple aggressive rubbing with my thumb it would come off. It looked cool but was pretty worthless for any knife that will see use.
Well, there is that. But you have to ask how many of these fancy colored knives will actually see use? I'm still wondering how they get the red colors.
Karl, on a related note, what kind of surface "finish" do you get with your hot bluing method? This may not be correct, but I have read that with the old traditional rust bluing, you tend to get a very fine "satin finish" no matter what.