Colour variations on Lionsteel SR11/22

May 21, 2020
I posted this over in the Lionsteel corner but the tumbleweed made me feel all lonesome so I'll try again here.
I purchased an orange Lionsteel SR11 to go with my gorgeous SR22. I was surprised to see the SR11s colour coating is different, slightly redder, and less glossy, than on the SR22.
Presumably this has to do with them being made in different batches, but I have googled this topic and never seen it mentioned before.
Anyone else noticed different shades of coating on these or other knives?
I love them both, by the way. I bought them both new, and I am certain they are both "Legit".

I have no experience with these knives in particular, but I can say that aluminum anodizing is a quite a finicky process, especially with bright colors like that. Any changes in surface finish, preparation, dye condition, solution composition, power source - even how throughly the water is mixed - can have marked effects on the final result.

I can't help much other than to just chock it up to those nuances.
Thanks for your reply, Eversion! That's kind of what I figured. They have been making these knives a few years now, especially the older SR1/SR2 series, and I am sure they didn't make them all at once.
These things are real beauties - personally I think every knife nut needs at least one!