combo edge or plain?

Feb 22, 2003
I think I will go with plain edge, for ease of maintaining it,but do you guys reccmend combo edges or plain edge blades? This is going to be on a Benchmade 805 TSEK almost 4 inch blade if that matters.
I read around a whole lot on this because I wasn't sure what to get at first either. I thought the combo edge looked better, but there's a LOT of forum members out there who just don't like it.

Their argument is that there just isn't enough plain blade or serrated blade for a combo blade to be useful.

I ended up purchasing a plain one.
I prefer plain, especially on the shorter knives for a couple of reasons.

First is the one that Hath described.

Second is that most combo edges have the serrated portion at the base of the blade. This is where you have the most control over the knife for delicate cutting - something that is impossible with a serrated edge.

Finally, if you want the benefits of a serrated on a plain knife, just sharpen some portion of the blade with a coarse stone and don't polish it. You'll get virtually the same effect as a serrated (in this case microserrations) without most of the drawbacks. ;)

plain because it's easier to maintain, and serrations are very seldomly used unless all you do is cut rope, then you should get full serrations.
I have and carry several knives with part serrations. The CQC 7 for example, I have concluded that in general, I would prefer either full serrations or full plain blade. On a 4" folder 1/3 of the cutting edge is taken up by the serrations, of which I do not need 1/3 of the time.

My solution; I carry a Spyderco Endura fully serrated, along with a plain blade or two. Alternatively, most mutli tools have a serrated blade. Along with everything else on a multi tool, this maybe the best way to carry a serrated edge.

Plain edge! I never had a problem cutting anything with a good sharp plainedge knife. Of course that is just me. :rolleyes: