Commies Move In.

Sep 22, 2003
Was cracking a few off with these guys so thought I'd take a pic since we have discussed them before. Fun guns. The .30 M1 of the 21st century:thumbup:

78 Albanian with the beat to hell stock. Must have gone hand to hand with it;) Has the sweetest stock trigger of any SKS I have ever shot. Then a 53 Russian and a M59 Yugo. Both of those have the Kivarri trigger jobs. The Alby doesn't need one. Trigger is awesome. All shoot well and fairly close to each other but I think the M59 is just a HAIR tighter shooting.
Beautiful. I'll be rejoining the SKS clan one of these days myself. Been a member many times before. Can't seem to stay out of the club.


I'd highly reccomend the Model 59. It's not chromed but if mine is any indication the milling and such is top notch. I think still has them. Not bad price either.

I still want a 59/66 since it's the other kind of variant, the Russian, the Yugo and the Romanians all being the same, and I haven't been able to bring myself to buy any Chinese even though I've seen some nice ones recently.
I like the styling on the albanian, the extended stock and the difft bolt cover and spike bayo, but the milling and machining is more like a Mosin than a SKS.:rolleyes:

I keep looking for a 59/66 with some cool stock carving. I have seen mandalas, soldiers names and I think it was Empire Arms posted one with carvings and 90210 trading cards pasted to the stock! Somebody on one of the forums posted one with Alf glued to the stock.

Check out these cool old (and recent SKS pics) some cool history there!
I've owned nothing but dog ugly chinese and they've all been wonderful shooters. Polytech and Norinco. Had an original Chinese AK mag fed early version as well. Hope to find a Russian soon.

Rock on, HD.

I'm want a 59/66. Saw where you can shoot golf balls out of the grenade launcher.

IOA seems to have the best price on new/unissued.

I "bubba-ized" my Chicom SKS with a Choate stock, and flash hider/brake- didn't know any better in 1994. Saved the original (too short) stock and bayonet, so... I may get a 59 too, in order to restore my Red Star.

Don't forget to add the built-in 20 rnd mag, detachables stink in SKS.

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Mine have all been Chinese,two regs one (which I still have) para-carbine with AK-47 mags.

Mostly they hit what you point at,I took the stock on one and painted it flat black ugly as hell but good 'an sturdy.

Though I've come to like the .223 more...
The 59/66 gets a Satori Thumbs-Up. :thumbup:

When I picked mine up, I passed on the display model (which had a militia symbol carved in the stock that looked reminiscent of a tic-tac-toe game in progress) and got one of the ones in the back instead. Now that I know what was on that stock I feel a little bad about it, but what the heck...this one's a shooter.

My Chinese SKS does not compare in terms of fit and finish, reliability, and accuracy.
Dave Rishar said:
The 59/66 gets a Satori Thumbs-Up. :thumbup:

When I picked mine up, I passed on the display model (which had a militia symbol carved in the stock that looked reminiscent of a tic-tac-toe game in progress) and got one of the ones in the back instead. Now that I know what was on that stock I feel a little bad about it, but what the heck...this one's a shooter.

My Chinese SKS does not compare in terms of fit and finish, reliability, and accuracy.

That's interesting I have heard a lot of good about the Chinese.

The local store has some shooters for 129 with soldiers names carved in it but that's all. Then another has an unissued beautiful one for 150, I'm talking 59/66's, but I'm holding out for something cool. One of the stores had one with the whole buttstock filled with some writing carved in it but it was sold when I came back.:thumbdn: The unissued was beautiful in both quality and clean.

Check out these cool SKS pics. There is also a for sale part on these forums too.
I don't understand the rap against Chinese SKS's. I've owned four and all four were great. My friends owned Chinese and Chinese were great. In Southern Ca in the 80's and 90's there were tens and tens of thousands of Chinese sold and shot.

I saw many in the Mojave, blasting away cases of ammo, and they were reliable and sturdy, and as accurate as an SKS is known to be.
The Euro's are finished better. Oh Well. Some of the very cheapest of the Chinese trigger groups, but not all by any means, were soft and did not last as long as they should. These were common in the last of the Chinese imports, when the pinned barrel 70 dollar rifles were being sold.

Frankly, the idea of snobbery amongst SKS's is ludicrous on it's face. The darned guns are what they are.
Not snobbery, Munk - just an observation. (Which you echoed, in fact.)

Besides the fit and finish issues with mine, the takedown latch for the gas system snapped the last time I disassembled it. It now occasionally flips itself open during firing which doesn't do much to improve my opinion of it. I've seen worse and until I got the Yugo, I didn't mind. I'd expected a clunker and I'd paid a clunker price for it.

The Yugo had a nice trigger. Everything fit. I didn't have to force or pound on anything to get it apart or back together again. All the harsh tooling marks are on the inside. The edges of the parts don't cut my hands. It shoots pretty accurately. It was $20 more than the SKS it was replacing. I don't shoot the old Norinco anymore.

Maybe I got a bad one, but I like the Yugo much more.
Email sent on Yugo 59/66, unissued condition... :D

Snail mail, actually. Some (most) dealers want an ink-signed copy of your C&R.

Wondering if to get a 59 too.. HD, where'd your Albanian come from? They can be $$$. Neat variant. Notice how long the forend is on the Albanian, guys.

SKS is great engineering, commie or no. Credit where due.

Dave, maybe the Chinese quality slipped towards the end, or it was made in a different factory. Mine amazes me- with iron sights, it shoots better than I can see.
