Comming Clean

Stacy E. Apelt - Bladesmith

ilmarinen - MODERATOR
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 20, 2004
I had a long session with my psychiatrist this afternoon. He told me that the sleep problems I am having come from too many things that I am doing to create confusion in my head. He advised me to pick the worst thing I was doing and clear it here goes.

When I joined this forum I was only 13. I live in Mumbai and my dad is the head of computer sciences at Mumbai University. I was a senior in high school then, and now have my PHD in physics. I like knives and have a cousin, Shashi Rochlandi, who makes the blades for Windlass Steel. He makes some of the things I design. In 2004, my family went to a wedding in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. While there I went to the big knife show. It was an amazing place. I saw so many things I wanted to make. I learned about this site from there. I saw Bill Moran. too. He was an old man right at the first table. I read a lot and pretended that I am a knifemaker. I want to make knives someday, but will probably spend the rest of my life in the university. I use a program I designed that works like Photoshop to make up pictures of knives, and post them on your forum.

I am sorry that I have lied to you and will not bother you again.
If I ever make a knife, I will come back and show it.

I am sorry,
Arpan Patel
LOL.....egads!!!! i can't wait for April 2nd to get here.
Didn't you forget to mention that one of your aliases is "Cliff Stamp"?
Man Stacy, I want to read some of your posts on this forum from 1963. Will have to dig real deep to find something that old. Did you place your posts using punch cards? :cool:

Happy April 1st to you and to all... :D
Good one Stacy!!
I knew something was up when he said he was 13 years old and a senior in high school.
You got me for a little bit :p Just a little confused about being a senior at 13. Nice one.
I was trying who the hell rode all the way up to Ashokan with me last year...
What's up with this "April Fool" thing? My wife tells me that I am a "Fool" every day, not just in April, but "EVERY DAY".

Does she know something that I don't know?

Do I know something that you don't know? Do you know something that nobody knows?

Oh, the humanity........... Please stop the pounding in my head. I have taken 47 aspirins and the creatures still jump out.

Sorry........ The doctor told me to get a life. I am thinking of being re-born and coming back as Stacy.

Robert (a feeble-minded 14 year old that was banned from Flea-Bay for trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge for a "Buy-It-Now" price of $12.82)