Comparison pictures of BuckMayo


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2001
Scanned it with my TNT and a Kershaw Vapor.






That's a real good looking knife. Not as good looking as Tom's, but good just the same. I think this is going to be a real winner for Buck.
Vapor 1 with a 3" blade.

And something that I find really cool is how light this knife is. It is lighter than the Vapor, which looks smaller.
looks good. I carry a Vapor 2 most days and I love the feel. paul
Great pics, thanks mschwoeb. I'd been looking for something that, size - wise, would be right in between the large and the small Sebenza. The Buck/Mayo looks like it fits the bill.
Thank you, thats a very interesting lineup.
Mmmm. Very nice, and you know what?
I like the looks of the Sebenza too.
Either you've taken some very nice pictures, or that line up makes them all look very good.
I'll take one of each!
This is the first Buck knife that I really and truly wanted own in about twenty years. Just from the pictures, I have the impression that this knife really has great fit and finish. Although I know that Sebenzanistas will never admit it, I think that this knife has the potential to actually put some downward pressure on the price of Sebenzas, at least the basic versions. That will be doubly true is Buck comes out with 2.5" and 3.5" versions of this knife. It would really be cool if Tom Mayo gave permission Buck to release a a limited Talonite version of this knife for an MSRP of say $350.:D
Originally posted by anthony cheeseboro
That will be doubly true is Buck comes out with 2.5" and 3.5" versions of this knife.

A 3.5" version would be da bomb.
I thnk that Buck would stick with the dimensions that Tom uses, which are 2.75, 3.25, 3.75. Of course, with Tom those are all aproxamate, not always what you get!:p