Compliments of Schrade Cutlery 1984

Feb 24, 2006
Why did Schrade give knives away? I recently won an auction for a 194OT with a blade etch that reads "Compliments of Schrade Cutlery 1984." I saw one or two of these a year ago and made a mental note to snag the next good example going for a reasonable price.

Were they promos - to induce hardware store owners to carry a Schrade display? Is there any record of how many were produced? If it was a promo (business expense) there probably is some record...
A few years ago I was told that these were "Business Recognition Awards" and given to dealers who qualified.
I've no idea what the "necessary qualifications" were.
Thanks Del. I figured it was something like that...

It arrived yesterday and I noticed that it has a different "Old Timer" shield from my other 194s. It has that bumpy border around the edge of the shield that looks like light bulbs around an old-school Broadway sign. It looks like it hasn't moved since it was placed in the box in 1984.