I'm still going round and round deciding which way to go for a motor for the Coote I'm about to order. Itrade's DC motor route seems good to me but I don't know about putting out 200 plus dollars for that combination right now and I can always change the motor type and control later. Now I'm back to looking at AC motors. I'm looking at a 1 1/2 hp for 120 bucks (probably an import but it is enclosed and stated to be continuous duty and 1750 RPM max.). This motor is classified as a 'compressor duty' motor. I don't know much about motor classifications. Is that a bad choice for my grinder?? I can get the same thing in 1 hp for 100 bucks and there is a 'farm use' 1 hp for a little less. I'd like to get one a little heavier than 1 hp, I guess.