Concerning steel prices.... this is the cheapest place

Nov 29, 2000
on the planet for 5160,1050,1084,and 1095. You must call them to price and order and I'll tell you up front that they are out of some things some of the time but when they've got it in stock; it's just plain cheap. They nearly always have everything in 5160 however don't buy the 1 or 1 1/4 inch X 1/4 inch as it always has small imperfections in it. These people are major suppliers to the automotive industry. If possible always buy the .262 thickness as it gives a hand forged knive a solid 1/4 inch finished ricasso. Everything is in 22 foot lengths. They charge you I think ten bucks an order to cut it so's UPS will ship it. They have lots more stuff than of their little web site so you must call to find out about the good stuff....

regards, mitch
I have been using these guys also. Their service is great and the prices have been hard to beat. I don't recall right off what their prices were on the 1084. I bought 1084 and also the .262 5160. The steel has been very clean so far, no nasty pits in the 5160 that I have received!