Congrat's to Bill Burke

Mar 14, 2000
I just read an article in Blade Magazine about one of Bill Burke's knives having a lot to do with saving two mens lives when their tractor trailer was caught in a tornado and placed them and the truck in an awkward situation. Some day I hope to be able to make knives like that. Just goes to show... you never know what these tools of ours are going to be called upon to do.

Congrat's Bill!!

I just read that, Rick.
That has got to be the most awesome thing that can happen to a knife maker!
I've been thinking about about posting a thread in Community asking if anyone has used their handmade in a life or death situation.
You must be very proud Bill!
I just read that one too. Bill You are an awesome knifemaker! I wouldnt have thought that any knife would cut through a steel truck body! What an interesting article. It goes to show what your homework and field testing can do for a custom made. You are at the top my Man. :cool:
Hey Guys ,

That someone is me .One hell of a wild ride , one minute your sitting up right the next you are fighting for your life . I still carry that knife everyday .:D

I broke one forged blade trying to cut our way out but the Pronghorn just cut like a chainsaw . Bill is one outstanding bladesmith and as I told he and Ed , I doubt their claims, NO MORE!!!

Both the knives were 52100 , just goes to show not all knives are equal just because they are the same steel .

I just want to thank Bill once again as we have held off posting anything because of the article .
Greg ,

Yes sir , some experience indeed !! My buddy won't drive anymore , he has decided that smaller vehicles are harder for them twisters to find. All in all not as bad as it could have been but I don't care to go back and try it again . There were some fifty trucks blown over in the southeast during those storms .

We were just pulling up an entry rode on a site and the next thing I knew we were in a ditch upside down .


BTW-- Bill and Ed are at the Reno show so they will probably chime in when they get home .
That is way Cool congratulations Bill
what a pumper that should be to you..
right place at the right time..:)
Hey all you guys. I just got back from the ABS show in Reno. Yea My head was getting pretty big over the article about Jerrys' story. However my "FRIENDS" saw to it that no permanent damage resulted from the swelling by making sure that I was deflated every now and then.:D Thanks for all the praise guys. It sure feels good to know that all the testing and destroyed blades were WELL worth while.

May God Bless all the family and friends of the Columbia Crew. My body and soul weep for them.
So these are more than just outstanding hunting knives. Good braggin rights Bill. I just called the man himself and ordered me one. Jerry, now if anyone asks you why you carry a knife like that you can give them more than they bargined for.;)
