
Hi Kristi,

I am also reading on this forum, so please count me in.
That Mili sheet looks cool.
Would look nice in my collection.

kind regards,

I can think of no practical use for one of these and I'd have no place to put it, but count me in.:D

I'll second that!

Alright, I fully acknowledge lurking around and not posting yet. But this I juat have to post for. Didn't mean to be "troll=ish" just didn't have anyhting worth saying yet.

Being trollish is not having anything worth saying, but saying it anyway.
Here's my post.
I am certain that I do not need this, but my wife would love to see it hanging in my office...
Count me in too. Could you stamp a Spyderco logo on the sheets for authenticity? Heck, honestly it would look pretty cool with the logo on it!