Convention time and I'll be away from the screen.

Mar 5, 1999
Tomorrow is Cday -- and Sunday. We'll all be out of Titanic II and at the Atlantis. Scarce on the forum unless I can grab an hour tomorrow evening which may or may not happen depending on how many want to take a look at the interior of this sinking ship.

Duvon arrived late last night and spent most of the day scouting around, BSing and helping. Our first meeting in perhaps 13 or 14 years of doing business, corresponding and an occasional phone conversation. Just like meeting an old pal as it will be with everybody tomorrow.

Duvon will be giving a demo on basic khukuri use and safety followed by some fancy khukuri katas. I have the camcorder fully charged and six hours worth of tape + my trusty NEW DC to record events.

Stay tuned and don't get into any knock down drag outs until Rusty and I are back to play referee.
I'll make up for the lack of quality posts with sheer volume of drivel. Put me down for ordering one of them tapes when they're finished.

Don't forget sharpening lessons. With lotsa commentary :)
Yes, be nice or I'll :D :D :D think of something fitting to do to you. I maynot implement it, but I have very low willpower holding off of a beautiful gotcha.
Wish I could attend. :(

I'd be interested in a copy of the tape too. If you can, be sure to get the HI handle associated with a face. I know the ugly mug thread has pictures but if you could get it on tape that would be great.

Have fun all.

Semp --
Originally posted by Kukri4302
Not to worry!! I'll just be myself!:D jim(Saint)



But he hit me back first!

That's a likely story.

I'm back, tired out, short on sleep. Long thin but not deep enough to bleed ( just stings when you use ) it slice on left index finger from shorter Bura Tibetan sword.

Drove up early Sat. AM, got a motel in Sparks over lunch break. After the evening session went back to the motel. This time it was dark. Spent a bit over an hour trying to find the motel. Told Bill about it the next morning - he asked if they were Indian ( the other kind, Yvsa ). Turned out Bill knew that motel's owners. He told Bill he'd get us rooms for $35 instead of $60 and up once the tax was added on.

One word of advice: when you've been up since 5AM, been on the run all day, and haven't eaten all day 'til 8 PM, don't play with a brand new unfamiliar sword. The handle landed on my left big toe, I dropped it while unsheathed and then I sliced the aforementioned finger.

When you're tired is not a good time to play with sharp toys.