Convex Ground Ergo Heart

Aug 4, 2003
I am finally resharpening this blade after I have put it through HELL, the coating was bare in a few spots, so I says to myself, eh why not? And I TRY TO SAND THE COATING OFF. Jeez, I think that I may have given myself carpal tunnel syndrome, that stuff is GOOD!! On to the point of my post, I have gotten the coating off and I put a convex grind on it with wet/dry auto sandpaper, and there were some tooling marks on the blade. Now this is by no means a pampered blade but it seems that the steel gets thicker around the "ding" (for lack of a better term) do you venerable INFI-hogs think it is feasible to try and sand the ding out or to just leave it be? It is taking a really nice mirror polish with the 2000 grit paper, I almost thought it was pretty, and then it cut me! That's what I get!

I submit this question before the altar of INFI to be reviewed by the High Hog Council.

P.S. Thanks Jerry, for hooking me up with this knife, I am forever in your debt.

P.S.S. sorry for all of the damn emails, checking on it.
It's about 1/3 of the way from the tip of the blade about an 1/8th of an inch from the edge. There's two fainter dings about 2/3rd's of the way down. But they are very faint.
Devilnut said:
It's about 1/3 of the way from the tip of the blade about an 1/8th of an inch from the edge. There's two fainter dings about 2/3rd's of the way down. But they are very faint.

Are you refering to the INFI dimples??
I think those are around the grip, really small and a lot of them? Yeah, I think that this is a tooling mark and not a big deal. I decide to stop now before I lose the use of my hands.