Cool Gun Show find

Bill Siegle

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 3, 2000
Found a Barteaux machete on a dealer's table at the gun show this weekend. Still has the original sticker on the blade and what's left of a coroded factory edge. Looks like it was used once and put away without a cleaning. This is one with an aluminum handle and about 11inches of blade. I remember seeing this model attributed to the Vietnam war era at one time. Anyone know that end of the story? I think I'd paint the shiny handle before taking it to combat myself, but it would make a heck of a tool/weapon. Can't wait to try it out. BTW the price was only $10 :D
Hi Bill,
I've had mine for more years than I can remember. :) This was the only big chopping blade I had for many years. The only problem is that it can wear you out if you have an all day job. The aluminum handle is not too forgiving. But it's a helluva chopper.

This one ain't fer sale. Makes me smile too much when I use it :D
Wow, great score:). The Vietnam connection is suppoedly explain in one of M.H. Cole's books. The last couple of these I've seen were priced in the $75-100 range. Is it heavier blade stock then their current machetes?

I would say the thickness is the same as current models. I have the Cole book you mentioned but it doesn't offer up too much info other than they were submitted for testing. I know I wouldn't mind being issued one of these(in a more subdued color of course) over the overly heavy M9 bayonet. Heck I'd rather fight with the small machete than the knife too if I had a choice.