jayharley....You kinda like those too, huh?
As per Richard's suggestion, Dr. Lathe's (Neil Blackwood) cord wrapped neck tantos are really fine, and the price is right. I own one myself. The anodized titanium under the wrap is pretty eye-catching. His larger models should be pretty cool too.
Dennis, thanks for posting Chris's site. My first time there, and I do like the looks of
his knives also. The dark cord wrap over turquoise looks sharp. I'm going to look into one of those.
I like that Kwaiken, Win! But then, why wouldn't I?
jayharley....Also check out the small cord wraps by RJ Martin. There's some on the Les Robertson site ALex mentioned.
A maker by the name of Steve Corkum makes some pretty nice ones too, albeit
thick. His blades are forged and have beautiful temper lines.
"When loss and gain are alike to one, that is real gain.."