Corona....for Kuks

Apr 6, 2001
I think it has been about a week since we talked about it, but I went to the local feed store and for $8 I got a large squeeze bottle of Corona Lanolin-rich antiseptic ointment (Lanolin 50%).

Anybody have any comments on its use on horn handels???? I think it will work great, but only time will tell.

Does anyone know what "Oxypuinoline" is :confused: ? I think that is the medication...maybe it treats HIKV :D .

I dont know if I would want to get rid of HIKV anyway...I think it is becoming a symbiotic relationship. ;) I would like to know before I start using it on my Unknown 12"AK...I have already placed one layer on my 13" Villiger. A perfect "research" blade.
Dave I would check on a couple of the search engines for the unknown chemicals or meds.
With 50% Lanolin it will definitely be good for your handles and I really doubt there's anything toxic since it is a medicine.
And having some medicine in it may have
an extra benefit in keeping any bugs away.
And putting some on the blade and therefore in the scabbard it may keep anything from attacking the wood.
I don't know of any insects that eat horn, but with the insect world one never knows for sure.:eek: :D
According to the customer rep at Summit Industries (parent co.) this is the patented name of a mild antiseptic used in the ointment. The various areas indicated for use, per the label, show that it must not be irritating ( to animals) as these include head and face. If, however, you experience soreness, a rash, or other indications of a reaction, you shold see your veterinarian immediately. He is probably better qualified, cheaper and cares more for his patients than most MDs, anyhoo :D

As for the Khuks, I've used it on three. Bill Paxton (I believe) found it first, and I followed his lead - a good coat, rubbed in and left overnight - rubbed in again (same coat) and wiped down. One handle with several cracks ( a couple mended at BirGhorka with laha) has shown some improvement. The laha-filled cracks were very thin, and have closed noticeably. Not a lot, but a visible improvement. I also treated this handle with Fiebing's Hoof Dressing after I'd sanded, steel-wooled and polished it back to near original finish. This stuff is Kiwi for dress horsies, and really changes the appearence. It is mostly mineral oil, with additives and is for dried/cracked hooves, for use two-three times a week. Not necessary on knives unless you've entered them in the Preakness. At this point, I'm satisfied that they are very good treatments for horn, and will keep it from cracking under conditions where temp and humidity change slowly. Radical changes might still be trouble, but I'll wait and see.

Yep sure are. Ingredience are "50% lanolin, Oxypuinoline .11%, also contains: Aromatics, Beeswax, Petrolatum, Sodium Borate, Water".

I think they will help more than anything else... here in Tx things change fast. "Only in Texas" refers to many, many things. Humidity, as well as others...Horn scares me with all the things that could go wrong, rust on these works of art as well. 50/50 lindseed oil and spirits help with the wood, but I have only bought 5 since Feb ( 4 kuks, and the first HI sickle aka....(it is too early for nepalese terms) , 2 kuks horn, one of em a Villager. Horn scares me, I worry about ruining something I can pass down in the family.
Wow!!!! Thanks YVSA and Bill, great links and threads....I am glad I have mentors like yall to learn from. Great stuff if Bill uses it, and YVSA recommends it.

The CORONA smells sort of mint like to me, although sort of like foot medication at the same time.

I knew I was doing something involuntarily when I bought this stuff.... I cannot thank you guys enough.

( sorry about the double post, I love this sight)
Great stuff, and thanks guys... the guy at the Feed Store obviously knew his stuff....maybe even a lurker :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused:
Thanks, all.

Dave, you are not so far from Catoosa as we view things back in the plains. Are you going to make it up to the convention?
I will try Uncle...I would really love to go. I need to figure out the details.
I am beginning to worry about HIKV again...all those kuks in such a little space....oooooohhhhhhhh YYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I think I might need to take out a loan,
Bank Executive: "Yes Sir, How may I help you?"

ME : "Uhhhhh....I would like to take out a loan so that I can afford my to buy the extravagant knife collection that I have always wanted.";) ;)

I think it might work...on second thought...How many swings would it take a 20" AK to get through a wall... of say...a wee lil Federal Reserve ??? :cool: :D :D

No, I woulden't want one of the Kamis coming over here to testify at my trial why he built such a great knife. And I imagine you guys would hunt me down and slap me around like a red headed step child.

I will figure out something...I am known to be resourceful. ;)