Corrosion protection good stuff

Sep 29, 2002
Got turned on to this oil from the BPCR crowd. I use it on everything now,especially collectable firearms. It actually penetrates the metal and dries. Great stuff! Especially since 1 application is usually all thats needed. Go to or do a search for S-L-I Liquid Gunsmith or Seal Lock International. Was originaly developed for NASA. Works as advertised.

Ask for your NRA discount also.

Have you tried DryLube from Sentry? If so how does it compare. I sent you some mail, it bounced a few times. Weird thing darned email. I put you in my IM list, but you don't show up as logged on. I thought it might be easier than fighting with email.

No,I haven't tried it. This stuff works so good I never looked any farther. It's also good for wood and leather. Put some on some Browning shotguns about 5 yrs ago and have never had to replenish. Figured it would be great for 'safe queens' and it also prevents corrosion from fingerprints. Use it on my salt water fishing gear also.

Your mail is coming through fine,and I'm not hiding so the IM should work. But then again when I try to IM I get the NOT ALLOWED TO ACCESS THIS PAGE BS. So I don't know. Wacky ISP's!

5 years?!?!?!? Man that is impressive. Oh yeah, again I say damned technology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How does it wear? If you put it on a knife and use it, does it offer any protection then?
