Cost for Ti liners?


Gold Member
Jun 1, 2002
I have a new version BS881T.

The liners are fairly worn out (there is up/down bladeplay).

I know that Buck will replace the liners for me because the service/support dept. is pretty awesome like that. However, i am not opposed to the idea of paying for this work to be done, because the liners have worn out due to everyday use/wear/tear. I feel like it's only fair for me to pay the tab on this because it has nothing to do with manufacturer defect or anything.

Stuff wears out in life. Anyone know how much i should write a check for?
Write the check for $1000 payable to Jeff.
Send it in for a free repair, and we will all be happy ;)

Just Kidding of course.
Send it in, and get it fixed. Part of the whole reason we have a lifetime warrenty is to give you a knife that lasts a lifetime.

Jeff Hubbard
QA Supervisor
J Hubbard said:
Write the check for $1000 payable to Jeff.
Send it in for a free repair, and we will all be happy ;)

Just Kidding of course.
Send it in, and get it fixed. Part of the whole reason we have a lifetime warrenty is to give you a knife that lasts a lifetime.


Probably the biggest reasons I am a huge fan of Buck. Not a lot of companies are like this. (EKI springs to mind, but not a lot of others.)
