Could Use Some Smoke on Monday

Apr 19, 2003
My sister passed away this past Wednesday. She was part of a volunteer search & rescue group in Sitka AK and was on a boat in the dark going to pick up a fellow who had badly cut himself in a nearby wilderness area. They went hard aground on a reef and she broke her neck during the impact.

Anyway, they will be having a Potlatch for her in the longhouse of the Tlinget clan up there on Monday and I won't be able to make it. She was a big part of that community and will be missed by alot of folks including me. So, I will send up some smoke from the back yard on Monday because that seems like an appropriate thing to do for that sort of thing.

Any additional smoke will be appreciated.
You got it cliff. So very sorry to hear of your loss. She sounds like a great lady.

I'm sorry, Cliff.

She sounds like a wonderful person, and passed while helping others. I have to believe that counts more than Gold.

Words are failing me... So sorry for your loss. Volunteer S&R... Where would humanity be without those selfless individuals who put their own lives at stake for that of another? Smoke will be sent Monday evening in rememberance.

AA :( :( :(
Cliff, that's awful.

Would you mind telling us her name?

Also, what AA said.
That's terrible. I'm so very sorry for your loss. When I go, I pray that it be such a noble cause. Take heart in that. Also remember that we're here. Smoke will be sent, friend.

Be well,

Will do Cliff and we will remember your sister in our Sweatlodge tomorrow evening as well. All prayers and Smoke to the Mother are good.
And yes, her name would be helpful if possible.
I'm very sorry Cliff. She sounds like one hell of a lady. Will send smoke Monday along with you.

Best regards,

Thanks for the smoke and prayers gents. Her name was Molly Ahlgren and she was a professor of oceanography at Sheldon Jackson U on Sitka. She was the main organizer of the municipal acquarium up there and very close to her students.

About half her students were Tlingit and she assimilated many of their views of things, so hence the Potlatch. She didn't get into the particulars of alot of these views during our conversations so I'm just guessing on the smoke, but it seems like the thing to do and I'm sure it is all good.
Of course, Cliff. Molly will be a part of my honoring ritual for a long time.

I don't like many people, really. Yet sometimes complete strangers...folks I will never meet...become heroes in my life. Molly is in that category.

I'm sorry for your loss. Selfishly, I'm glad she lived during my lifetime. She made my life better.

Be well and safe.
Sorry for your loss Cliff, I will lift her up in my prayers also. :(