CPK Survival Knife

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With all due respect, why add this useless jimping? I have it on the FK and it doesn't provide any traction. Is there a use for it?

I don't know what Lorien had planned for it, but it drives my wife nuts when I rub it along the edge of my desk....brrrup..brrrup.......brrrup..brrrup.......
I don't know what Lorien had planned for it, but it drives my wife nuts when I rub it along the edge of my desk....brrrup..brrrup.......brrrup..brrrup.......

I've been told i am quite annoying and a shit stirrer. I will add this to my arsenal of things to piss people off, thanks! :D
With all due respect, why add this useless jimping? I have it on the FK and it doesn't provide any traction. Is there a use for it?

that doesn't strike me as worded in a duly respectful way
that doesn't strike me as worded in a duly respectful way

Lorien, don't take offense. I didn't mean any. Simply asking a question...

Text isn't the best way to convey your message. Emotion and expressions are obviously not present so comments and questions may seem rude or to the point. Not my intention at all.
With all due respect, why add this useless jimping? I have it on the FK and it doesn't provide any traction. Is there a use for it?

It's not useless jimping. It is effective and performs as intended.

There is nothing worse than aggressive jimping. It is supposed to provide an increase in surface area and add some traction without abrading your skin. A real working tool should not have hot spots that erode your hand.
It's not useless jimping. It is effective and performs as intended.

There is nothing worse than aggressive jimping. It is supposed to provide an increase in surface area and add some traction without abrading your skin. A real working tool should not have hot spots that erode your hand.

Nathan, I completely agree with your last sentence i put in bold.

I don't get any traction out of the jimping on my FK. Not trying to be rude or "put down" any design elements, just being honest.

I also dislike aggressive jimping but i feel (completely my opinion) that the jimping on my FK needs to be a little more aggressive to have any benefit.

Again - completely my opinion - don't bring out the pitchforks plz
Text isn't the best way to convey your message. Emotion and expressions are obviously not present so comments and questions may seem rude or to the point. Not my intention at all.

fair enough.

The reason I include a thumb ramp and jimping is because Nate prefers it. As a designer, my job is to produce patterns consistent with the maker's approach to cutlery. I appreciate the benefit that his approach to these features provides.

To be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with jimping in general. I love it when it's thoughtfully rendered and provides a benefit without adding drawbacks. Otherwise, I hate it. For the reasons Nate mentioned.

I feel the same way about finger choils, (or whatever you wanna call em) which is why I designed this knife with one. They CAN serve a very useful purpose, but 9 times out of 10, they don't. I enjoy the challenge of integrating features that normally serve only an aesthetic purpose, and design them in such a way as to enhance the utility of a knife, since so often they only serve to detract.
Cool, i appreciate the explanation! Just so you know, i was not trying to knock your design in any way and the jimping definitely doesn't detract to the knife! I love the FK a lot - it has become my favourite belt knife and doubt that will change.

Regarding finger choils, i agree that most of the time they - well, suck. ass. I'm very interested to see how the SK turns out with the choil!

Cheers Lorien :)
Bacon, tell me honestly, how soft are your hands?

I'm not implying you spend a lot of time with the lotion or anything.

Maybe you have a desk job, I have no idea.

From my perspective, my hands change with the season as my activities performed greatly vary with the season, so the jimping on a knife can be good for me or bad based on my hands alone. I can tell you if you get in a spot and end up with blisters in 5 minutes from a knife it is fucking garbage. I always prefer not aggressive enough over too aggressive and rely on my grip strength and the shape of the grip WAY more than I rely on jimping and like it soft edged and shallow for no reason other than indexing alone.
Pretty rough actually. I'm only 19 and have worked for my brother concreting driveways and small carpentry jobs for the past year. Before that i worked 2 years for the government clearing trees and brush along rivers and putting up fences. Never worked a desk job in my life. Only time i use a computer is for BladeForums which is actually pretty often lately since i started uni. Still, i camp out frequently and box so my hands get a good workout

I also prefer not aggressive enough over too aggressive but i can barely feel anything on my FK. Maybe it's just me :confused:

There's nothing wrong with the jimping - i'm just saying i can't feel any traction - it's more aesthetics to me
^ Jo literally got a sheet of sparkly purple Shadetree material.

Nathan, tell Jo she is my hero. (since I suggested it) 😊

I will buy 2 of anything with that handle. For my daughters... (unless I like it) put me down on your list... Brian

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Pretty rough actually. I'm only 19 and have worked for my brother concreting driveways and small carpentry jobs for the past year. Before that i worked 2 years for the government clearing trees and brush along rivers and putting up fences. Never worked a desk job in my life. Only time i use a computer is for BladeForums which is actually pretty often lately since i started uni. Still, i camp out frequently and box so my hands get a good workout

I also prefer not aggressive enough over too aggressive but i can barely feel anything on my FK. Maybe it's just me :confused:

There's nothing wrong with the jimping - i'm just saying i can't feel any traction - it's more aesthetics to me

For me, I find choils not all that useful if the handle is well-designed, but a lot of that is how you hold the knife, so definitely a matter of personal preference.
The jimping is a different matter. It may or may not be useful for traction, but I find it very useful when I'm wearing winter gloves and mostly for orientation. If it's dark or close to it I like a touch point to verify my exact hand position without looking and it helps if I can feel it through gloves/mittens. So there might be a value to it beyond traction. In any case, it does not in any way detract from the knife for me.
oftentimes, that which you do not notice provides that which you need
I'm gushing over this one Lorien and I ain't shyting you! I've always wanted a STOUT survival knife in the 7" proximity and something that fits my hands like a friggin glove. Judging by what I see from your pics / videos, we may have similar sized hands but I could be wrong (I'm M+ L- and go with both M and L Mechanix at 8 3/4).
my hands are solidly medium in size. This handle feels similar in girth to the LC handle, but the contouring is different. The handle has an egg shaped cross section, (wide end at the spine). The heel kick is mellower than the LC and the scallop up front is shaped to accomodate the choked up grip position comfortably.

I'm hoping that Nate can get this thing to balance right at the finger choil. The spec'd stock thickness is between .20" and .22". There may or may not be a fuller, depending on overall weight, balance and grind height/bevel geometry. I'm hoping for the fuller, just because it looks sick.

This pattern is pretty well developed, if I do say so myself, and I think you will like it.
Looks pretty cool Lorien, can't wait to see the finished result!

May i ask why you chose to make the finger choil that shape instead of a regular circle? - or half circle i should say

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