Memnoch; if you were to post your questions somewhat more lucidly, it would make (at least my) answering them easier.
As I understand it, you are comparing CPM440V in a Spyderco Military to a Cold Steel Voyager in AUS8-A, and your question is why does the CPM440V hold an edge better, despite a Rc of 56, compared with the Rc of 57 found in the CSV.
AUS8-A is an ingot steel (i.e. not CPM), and is a low alloy stainless: C 0.85-1.0, Mn 1.0, Cr 14, Ni 0.5, V 0.1-0.2, Mo 0.1-0.3, and W 0.4.
There are two things which are problematic with AUS8-A; one is the tendency of the carbides to separate out when the ingot cools, and the other is the type of carbides present. Cr carbide is only Rc 65-70, and since Cr is the primary alloy material in this steel, most carbides are Cr carbides, with a small amount of Mo carbide (Rc 75) and W carbide (Rc 75), if present (AUS8-A is supposed to have a small amount of W, but Spyderco's steel chart doesn't show any being present).
Basically, in AUS8-A, there are poorly dispersed, fairly soft carbides; since most of the carbides are on the surface, a somewhat misleading Rc is obtained. Remember Rc measures only the surface of the substance being tested.
With CPM440V, however, with the following composition, C 2.15, Mn 0.4, Cr 17, V 5.5, Mo 0.4, you have over twice the carbon to form carbides, and a better alloy component, vanadium, with which to form harder carbides. Vanadium carbides run 80-85 on the Rockwell C scale. In addition, the CPM process ensures uniformity throughout the alloy.
This means that the Rc is misleading, albeit in a different manner than AUS8-A. There are a lot of carbides in CPM440V, and hard ones at that, but since they are evenly dispersed, there are relatively fewer on the surface than with an ingot steel. Therefore, the Rc is not as high as it would otherwise be.
When you wear off the edge of CPM440V however, you reveal an area of blade which is every bit as hard as the edge was. THIS is what makes CPM440V a better edge holder than AUS8-A. It is a hard facing alloy, much like Stellite (r) and Talonite (r), which are cobalt alloys. Remember, 'tungsten carbide' is actually tungsten carbide suspended in a Co matrix (both alloys mentioned immediately above are Co alloys).
You may wish to peruse the Crucible Service website: be sure and read 'Heat Treatment and Fabrication of Tool Steels,'
Also read Selecting High Performance Tool Steels at this part of the website:
Hope this helps, Walt Welch