Crazy Canuk, at it again.

Sep 26, 2005

This guy is nuts, but It's hard not to love him.
Some may remember him from his "Project Grizzley" suit, but he may be new to a lot of you.
I would be thrilled to hang out with him for a week, and if I won the lottery I would probably end up like him, making stuff and having a blast.
Also he loves knives and this suit is for survival so it fits here well enough I think.:thumbup:
thats,... ahh,... yeah. well I have seen his bear show, which was nutz, That guy needs to have a gun over in iraq
I wonder if he would trust that new suit to a grizzley, if it will stop a sniper and an IED, its a million times more maneuverable anyway.
He tlaks way to fast to seem credible, bust he is brilliant.
I gotta admit, that fire repelant was AWSOME. He got some time on daily planet for that one.
Hey Guys..

Wasn't his bear suit made from tent catapiller and spider webs..

Yaa the guy is a Real nut..:)


Knife Inbound!


Hey Treg...

Your going to really like it...

Sorry for the Threadjacking Liam..


No worrys, this guy speaks for himself.
Interesting people are what make life worth living, I always say.
The whole laser on your head to mark a sniper's location is just beyond me.
I mean if you can see the laser then can't the sniper who's shooting at you also see it? Which would me he now also has a marked target to shoot at.
Ok let's say he can't see it, for argument's sake. It still seems to me that to mark the sniper with your laser, you have to stick your fool head up in the kill zone. Giving said sniper a great try at what he wants to do anyway, kill you.
I don't know. I'm no expert.
If you can see the sniper well enough to mark him without getting shot at, then you are probably better off shooting him yourself.
Intuition steers me toward thinking that he is a nut job, but I would rather remain open minded and atleast explore some of this guys concepts. Canada has a long and fairly sad history of foo fooing inovative and or unusual concepts. We also have a long history of allowing our best and brightest to brain drain down to the states. When a Canadian has an inovative idea, the gov. says no then he struggles to find private funding, or goes to the states.....When we were busy building Lee Enfield rifles up here at Long Branch arsenal during World War Two, A Canadian engineer invented the firing breach mechanism for the Garand rifle that was adopted by the U.S. military. I could site hundreds of examples. Im not saying that this guy isnt cracked, maybe he is. But, I would rather explore alternate designs and ideas that ignore them. There is often a fine line between eccentricity and genius. That line is often public perception and tolerance.
I think the laser thing was supposed to represent a targeting laser for laser guided weapons.