Credit Card Fraud from Indonesia

Aug 1, 1999
This notice is for all knife dealers, custommakers, and anyone else in the knife world that accepts credit cards. There is a "Knife Collector ??" out there, from Jatim, Indonesia, that is useing stolen credit card info., to try and purchase knives. His first Visa card info that he sent to me was "Declined". However, he sent new info on a Mastercard, that when submitted was "Approved". I didn't feel right about this customer, so a few quick phone calls to the issuing bank confirmed that the name and address I had for the card holder, was not the same as the bank had. Needless to say, I will not be shipping any knives to Indonesia.

For the past 2 days this, scum-bag has been E-mailling me, asking when his order will be shipped, and if everything was OK with his credit card info. I haven't answered him, to let him know that I'm aware of his scam. I'd like to blow him off, with an E-mail he won't soon forget. However, I haven't been a "Hard A$$" since I was in Nam. Now I'm just a gentle knifemaker. I need some input on what to tell this joker. Were is the "Vampire Gerbil", with his way with words, when you need him. Any thoughts on this from the other members would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Jay Maines
Sunrise River Custom Knives
We used to get 1/2 dozen or so fraudulent credit card orders from Indonesia every day. That was about a year ago, I guess. It was a ring of literally thousands of Indonesian teenagers who learned how to get credit card numbers. I think most mail order companies stopped shipping to Indonesia quite some time ago. This ring doesn't seem to be operating any more but it appears a few are still working on it. Very common situation. Don't let it get your shorts in a knot. Just delete the emails and go on with life. Take care.