Those of you who own credit card knives and travel to San Francisco may have a chance to develop some specialized tactical skills.
Recently a do-good group has suggested that the legions of homeless that populate the city where I work be given ATM devices. The idea is that, instead of giving change, citizens would instead run their ATM cards through the device. 80% of the donation would go to some do-good group, and 20% to the homeless ATM device holder. I kid you not. Someone has actually suggested that you punch in the PIN to your bank account in the presence of a desperate, on-the-skids panhandler.
This scenario presents a multitude of tactical possibilities that I'm sure those of you who have credit card knives will want to consider. Perhaps Bay Area forumites can take the lead here in developing the appropriate tactical techniques.
Recently a do-good group has suggested that the legions of homeless that populate the city where I work be given ATM devices. The idea is that, instead of giving change, citizens would instead run their ATM cards through the device. 80% of the donation would go to some do-good group, and 20% to the homeless ATM device holder. I kid you not. Someone has actually suggested that you punch in the PIN to your bank account in the presence of a desperate, on-the-skids panhandler.
This scenario presents a multitude of tactical possibilities that I'm sure those of you who have credit card knives will want to consider. Perhaps Bay Area forumites can take the lead here in developing the appropriate tactical techniques.